Trump Sold-Out His Base to Shovel $95 Billion to Ukraine and Israel

This is a pretty good article… hard to see any way back for the country…


Republicans are as evil as the Democrats - and neither party has ever stood up for White interests. Ever


OMG… not, “the bestest president Eh-verrrr” . I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell you. But we MUST vote for Trumpstein because he’s just a little bit better than the other guy. You wouldn’t want to throw away your vote now, would you? Always vote the lesser of the evils.

Start making your campaign signs today for the November election:

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Trump actually supports this rat…

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yet The Trumpies will still cheer for him.

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Trump has already made himself the paid assassin of the Jews. What else could we expect now?


After losing an election that was probably Jew-rigged, and then getting dragged through court constantly for years by them and their negroid minions, now he is taking their side 100%. Just wow. I can only hope he’s faking just to get into office, and will change his stance once elected. I also hope that this Israel war-crime-in-progress is over by November.

Because really we can’t take much more of this economic disaster that is Biden or we will all become homeless and starving, the USA will become nothing but the land of the homeless people. We’re already seeing this happen all around.

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It’s all starting to seem fake now isn’t it, like they know he is going to win, so they bought him out. I keep walking by magazines that used to be anti-Drumpf now all of a sudden they are all running non-negative stories about him. Hmmm.

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