Trump Signs Garbage COVID Bill

Originally published at: Trump Signs Garbage COVID Bill |

Donald Trump went ahead and signed the piece of shit garbage coronavirus bill that only gave $600 for each American while allocating billions upon billions of dollars in pork to foreign countries, corporations and other stupid nonsense.

Trump signs $900 billion COVID relief bill

— The Hollywood Reporter (@THR) December 28, 2020

Even if he vetoed it, the bill probably would have been overridden by the corrupt assholes in Congress. This bill got widespread bipartisan support across both parties. Few Republicans voted against it. So I get why he signed it even though I totally disagree with the move.

Congress is now looking at boosting the $600 figure so that the American people get $2,000 instead. This is likely part of some deal he struck with Congress but it hasn’t been officially approved yet.

BREAKING: A bill to increase direct payment checks for COVID relief from $600 to $2000 per adult has passed in the House of Representatives with a greater that 2/3 majority, 275-134. The bill now goes to the Senate, where Democrats plan to ask for unanimous consent tomorrow.

— Ali Velshi (@AliVelshi) December 28, 2020

And sure, $2000 is an improvement, but it is like putting a band aid on a gunshot wound. It is also going to further destroy the purchasing power of the currency. And let’s face it, $2,000 per person is not going to fix all the economic damage that was done by the lockdowns. It’s an attempt to kick the can down the road even though we are rapidly approaching the point where there’s no road left.

It’s also worth reiterating that a real relief bill would have not included any of the bullshit pork that was included in the 5,000+ page bill that is now law. It could have been done on a single piece of paper. Unfortunately, we do not have a Congress that looks out for the interests of the American people which is why we have situations like this. We have a Congress filled with traitors and other worthless individuals who are corrupt to the core.


10,000,000 To Pakistan for gender studies, the bill is just another piece of shit from those assholes in D.C…


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