Trump Says He's Still Pushing for Citizenship Question on Census

Originally published at: Trump Says He’s Still Pushing for Citizenship Question on Census |

Donald Trump is saying that he’s still looking for ways to put the citizenship question on the 2020 Census form. This after a ridiculous Supreme Court ruling said he wasn’t allowed to do it.

So important for our Country that the very simple and basic “Are you a Citizen of the United States?” question be allowed to be asked in the 2020 Census. Department of Commerce and the Department of Justice are working very hard on this, even on the 4th of July!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 4, 2019

Obviously it is retarded for the Supreme Court to not allow this very simple question. John Roberts is responsible for this just like he was responsible for the Obamacare debacle. His vote swung the decision against Trump. And for that I view him as a cowardly and awful piece of shit.

Theoretically having this question on the form could discourage illegals from responding to the Census and thus hurt Democrats because it would reduce the amount of representation they have in the House of Representatives. But honestly, I think there’s bigger fish to fry than this particular issue. If Trump somehow gets this question on the form, that’s great, but as far as concerns go, this isn’t at the top of my list.


So what good did it any of it serve with the adding of “conservative judges” who were appointed to the supreme court last year?
I remember hearing shabos goy mick Sean “israel is our best friend” hannity the retarded cuckservative carry on about how muh conservative supreme court justices were gonna somehow change our nation back to a sane country with solid, honest and moral leadership.
And as usual , its all giant trick on us…or on the people who actually believe any of this shit is real or in the control of “we the people”…what a sick joke.


Why the fuck are the instructions on the census envelope in Spanish?


because we are being demographically replaced by force through an invasion that is being funded and ran by our own gubbmint.
LOL but you knew that


You can bet your tuchas I won’t be participating in that ZOG census. Why should I provide information to an enemy that will use it against me?


lol… yes, it is… Baby Bush appointed The Globalist traitor, Roberts so this is expected.

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exactly… Obummer used the census to find areas of America that were in need of violent niggers to turn their clean safe cities into savage shit-holes. Plus, by penalty of law it says that all questions must be answered truthfully so if they don’t like your answers gov thugs could put you IN JAIL. i’ve never filled one out and i’m not going to start. if they threaten me i’ll demand a court appointed attorney.

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