Trump Says He's Not Planning on Firing Mueller

Originally published at: Trump Says He’s Not Planning on Firing Mueller |

The President made a few comments coming back to the White House from Camp David yesterday. He said that he had no plans on firing the corrupt traitor Robert Mueller.

We’ll see what actually happens though. He could just be saying this to create intentional confusion in the press. There’s already a discussion happening about the possibility that Mueller could be fired.

Mueller’s firing should happen in conjunction with a wholesale cleansing of the Justice Department and the FBI. A subsequent independent investigation into the investigators would need to follow as well. Based on what is public, it appears as if the entire investigation has been a manufactured fraud.

Undoubtedly, firing Mueller around Christmas time would be an optimal time to do it. We’ll see what happens.

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He always gives them enough rope to hang themselves. Naturally he will not remove the rope now.

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