Trump Says He'd Be Willing to Meet with Iran

Originally published at: Trump Says He’d Be Willing to Meet with Iran |

The President at his press conference with the Italian leader today said that he would be willing to meet with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. Even better is that he said he would meet with no preconditions.

Here’s the clip from the press conference.

Dialogue is definitely preferable to war and the Iranians would actually be natural allies if we didn’t have this problem with Jews.

We get absolutely nothing from being friends with Israel and the Jews. While I get that it is not politically feasible to do this right now, the long term strategy should be to dump the kikes and establish friendly relations with the Iranians.

It looks as if Trump is going to try to engage Iran in the same way he engaged North Korea. Hopefully he succeeds in getting a meeting and starts cutting some deals.

Trump is slowly reshaping the entire geopolitical landscape. We are already seeing new alliances being formed. The United States, Russia and Italy are already becoming more closely aligned and other European nations are getting dragged in this direction. The goal needs to be the development of a strong alliance of White nations in order to facilitate friendly relations with non-White countries.

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Another important development barely mentioned on the news. The neocohens must be flipping their sheeny beanies.


Very,very good plan. We should not be enemies with Iran.


For that matter,AA ought to explore the possibility of relocating his compound to Iran. He could telecommute from there as easy as he can do it from Nigeria,and the kvetching would be epic.

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