Trump Says He Misspoke About Russian Election Meddling!

Originally published at: Trump Says He Misspoke About Russian Election Meddling! |

The President said he misspoke about election meddling at the press conference with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. He now says that he absolutely accepts the conclusion of American intelligence that Russia meddled in the 2016 election.

The media including Fox News has been going insane over this for the past 24 hours. It’s all they’ve been talking about. It has absolutely showed his critics to be completely insane. But his critics aren’t ever going to accept anything he says or does.

Take in point this obnoxious kike.

And this kike.

I honestly don’t care if Trump gives lip service to this madness. It’s only going to cause his critics to go even more insane. They’re going to spend all of their energy trying to parse his words etc… And they’ll probably be scrutinizing everything that he said when the Tucker Carlson interview airs later tonight.

But let’s face facts, the story about Russian election meddling is a ridiculous hoax. We all know this. The center of this claim revolves around the Democrat National Committee’s server which was never turned over to the FBI for analysis. So there’s no hard evidence of the Russian government hacking the Democrats. It’s just politicians and the media repeating this nonsense over and over again.

And then you have the fact that the alleged meddling did not impact the results of the election. So this isn’t even a real news story. It’s just made up crap to sabotage Trump from trying to establish good relations with Russia.

You could technically argue that any foreign media outlet putting out information or a perspective in the United States is “meddling” in the election. That’s because they are putting out a point of view that could persuade voters to vote a certain way. And the term “meddling” is a broad term that could mean almost anything.

If Trump accepts this narrative or not is inconsequential. What’s consequential is that Trump set the stage for a good working relationship with Putin and that’s the most critical thing. All of this other stuff is just noise ginned up by talking heads and pundits.


I just don’t care any more.


Hitler didn’t tell anybody to gas jews you stupid kike


Every “problem” can be linked to having the eternal enemy running things!



Trump panders almost exclusively to the jews and then they shit all over him anyway…OK, got it.


Apathy is the best policy- it is best to divest yourself mentally of the current situation- it will allow you to achieve complete mental clarity when it becomes absolutely necessary.


Sometimes it’s tempting to want to defend Trump from all the assholes who are relentlessly attacking him. But you must remember that he is not /r/ guy. We really don’t have a dog in this fight.

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Yes- it is like 1 step up and 2 steps back with Trump- now, the sheenies in Israel “leaked” that Bibi cajoled Trump into abandoning a nuclear deal with Iran during a meeting between the 2. BTW, Spahn- it is I- Herr Wolf- who have returned from an extended sabbatical under a new username.


@Der_Sturmer Welcome back, comrade!


Always enjoyed your comments. Welcome back.


Has everyone forgotten when the Jewess Victoria Nudleman (aka Nuland) the Assistant Secretary of State for Europe had that discussion with the US Ambassador for Ukraine about who they were going to put in charge of the country? Fuck these jews and fuck this Russian meddling nonsense. Show some Ukraine tier proof or shut the fuck up.



I demand that the Krassenkike Monster provide a written document or audio of a Hitler speech where he says outright, or even implies, “Go forth my soldiers and gas those kikes!”

The Germans were amazing. They bumped off 6 gorillion heebs without written orders, detailed plans, or a budget! The Waffen SS must have paid for everything out of their own pockets. “Pass around the hat comrades, those Jews ain’t going to gas themselves!”