Trump Says He Has No Attorney General

Originally published at: Trump Says He Has No Attorney General |

In a recent interview, Donald Trump made some remarks about his Attorney General Jeff Sessions who has obviously been a miserable failure. He basically said that his performance has been so bad that he doesn’t really have an Attorney General.

The Hill:

President Trump in an Oval Office interview with Hill.TV launched one of his most ferocious broadsides to date against Jeff Sessions, suggesting the attorney general was essentially AWOL and performing badly on a variety of issues.

“I don’t have an attorney general. It’s very sad,” Trump told Hill.TV in an extensive and freewheeling interview Tuesday from the Oval Office.

The president has long excoriated Sessions for his March 2017 decision to recuse himself from the Russia collusion investigation. But on Tuesday he suggested he is frustrated by Sessions’s performance on far more than that.

“I’m not happy at the border, I’m not happy with numerous things, not just this,” he said.

He further expressed his disappointment towards Sessions when speaking to reporters before he traveled to see the damage caused by Hurricane Florence.

Sessions has easily been the worst cabinet pick of them all. It’s as if he’s being blackmailed or something. The Department of Justice is operating no different than if Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch were running it. That’s how bad it is.

He didn’t have to recuse himself on the Russia hoax but did so any way. And on top of that, he’s done nothing to fix all of the corruption that’s going on in the agency that he’s supposed to run. Plus, he’s afraid to go after anyone related to Hillary Clinton while this insane witch hunt is being run against his boss.

It looks like Trump is going to fire him after the midterms. Someone like Rudy Giuliani needs to be put in this position. Even if it isn’t Rudy, it needs to be someone tough. It needs to be someone who will take command of the organization and begin cleaning house.


Sessions is corrupted. Sessions knows that if he pushes too hard on Mueller for his illegal grand jury leaks and other misconduct, the alleged crimes of Comey, the Clintons, Obama and the former intelligence chiefs, that he will be either indicted himself, or he will be irreparably smeared by them, ending his career and perhaps destroying his personal life.

They undoubtedly have collected “dirt” on him, as they have others who may seek to hold them legally accountable, which will come out of government files if the attorney general actually does his job and grows some balls.

And then there is this:

Another example of the kike clown world we live in. A federal judge can not block US immigration and deportation policies of the Nation at the state level. What does Sessions do about about the sanctuary cities direct violations of federal law? NOTHING. Treason seems to be allowable now without consequence. Burn the whole thing down and start over without the tribe of course.

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Trump is playing another one of his bullshit games. We are halfway through his first term and he’s got virtually nothing of substance to show for it. So now we are expected to wait another 6 months before he does all sorts of cool stuff, we just have to wait for the mid term elections to blow over first. I aint’ playin’ that game no mo, nigga.



i am sick of Trump complaining about HIS OWN ADMINISTRATION. he vowed to “drain the swamp” but did the opposite. trumps latest FUCK-YOU to his supporters was welcoming 9/11 monster Bolton aboard the sinking ship in the hopes that The Swamp will right his listing presidency. fat chance…


So get rid of this soy boy sessions? Seems straight forward.

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