Trump Revisits Idea of Using the Military to Build the Border Wall

Originally published at: Trump Revisits Idea of Using the Military to Build the Border Wall |

Discussion of border wall funding is back in the news. That’s because we are getting closer to a point where another bill has to be passed to fund the government. Theoretically, Donald Trump could force Congress to fully fund the border wall which would likely shut down the government. The Democrats don’t want to give Trump an inch on anything. Of course, with this happening before the midterms, it would be a bit of a political gamble.

Personally, I think it is a gamble worth taking but I can see the pros and cons to it. If Trump forces Congress to fully fund it and we see a government shut down, the kikes in the media will use it as another issue to attack the Republicans. I do think it is an issue he can win on though. Republicans and Independents want a secure border. Only insane leftists on the Democrat side believe in an open unsecured border.

But with that said, Trump has also revisited the idea of getting the military to build the wall.

Daily Mail:

President Donald Trump said Friday that he's considering using military resources to finish construction of his long-promised border wall instead of relying on Congress to fund the project through the Homeland Security Department's budget.

He also wouldn't eliminate the possibility of a government shutdown if Democrats continue to confound his efforts to appropriate money for the project on the U.S.-Mexico border.

'We have two options,' he told aboard Air Force One as he flew from Billings, Montana to Fargo, North Dakota. 'We have military, we have homeland security.'

He was asked specifically about using the Army Corps of Engineers as a taxpayer-funded construction crew.

The Army Corps of Engineers could certainly do the job but he is saying that he'd prefer to get Congress to fund it instead.

At this point, nobody cares about the particulars. If the Army Corps of Engineers can build the wall, Trump should just give the order. But as of now, it looks like Trump is going to hold off on demanding border wall funding before the midterms and then revisit the issue depending on the fallout of the election. He says he has assurances from Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell that they’ll do the border wall right after the midterms. But of course assurances from these two clowns aren’t worth much from my standpoint.

He may end up having to get the military involved to get the job done which is fine by me. We just want that fucking wall built. I’m tired of seeing this country invaded by violent beaner monkeys. The situation is ridiculous. If walls are good enough to protect the Zionist rats in Israel, than they’re good enough for America. It’s that simple.


IDC who builds it, IDC how much it costs, just build the damn wall NOW!


Here’s a good idea and it’s very inexpensive. Take the soldiers out of Japan, Korea, Iraq, Afganistan, and every other foreign country and put them on the border with orders to kill anyone who comes across illegally while the wall is being built.

The military was meant to be used to guard our borders against foreign invasions, which is what is happening right now and has been happening for decades, not to send all over the globe to fight Israel’s wars.


Using the military to build walls worked for the Romans on their frontiers like the one with Caledonia back in the day.

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You beat me too the punch-that’s the same point I was going to make.

And just look how long the Roman stuff has lasted!

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