Trump Looking At Ending Tranny Faggot Nonsense

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The Trump administration is planning on ending all this retarded tranny nonsense by narrowly defining gender as the genitalia you were born with.

The fact that the Jew-run media is claiming this to be some type of radical move is just more proof of how fucked up our society has become.

Here are some news clips.

Apparently the anti-science and anti-biology lunatics in the LGBTQP community are none to happy about there only being two genders. But you know what, I couldn’t give a flying fuck about how the LGBTQP community feels about this because they are sick, mentally disturbed pieces of shit.

This move by Trump is a good first step, but much more needs to be done. I want to see these faggots arrested and put in mental institutions. If they can’t be cured of their sickness, they should be thrown off of roofs. Or fuck, maybe we just throw them off of roofs and save the money trying to rehabilitate them. I’d be open to an honest debate about this issue.


if it stops THIS i’m all for it. everyone should boycott this match including the referee. what a disgrace…


@MightyWhitey when i was in HS in the early 2000s we had girls on the guys team and it was very uncomfortable to have to wrestle these girls. I was a freshmen and they were seniors and it was like wrestling kids i could do what i wanted with ease. GIRLS DONT BELONG IN WRESTLING.


If you’re so damn confused about your gender, fucking go to a shrink, figure it out and leave the rest of us the HELL alone! Thank you Trump for putting some sense into this deranged psychotic behavior.


If there was some sort of sporting regulation where you couldn’t compete as a woman unless you had a womb that would clear up the sporting issue (perhaps a similar thing with testicles). You might need some legal finessing for surgical intervention such as hysterectomies or motorcycle misadventures. But the important thing is to stop this normalizing of mental disturbance through sports. Women athletes dedicate their lives to their sports and it is a travesty to see that effort belittled by a biologically stronger man wearing a dress.


RWDS’s nowwwwww!!

it will be interesting to see how The Olympics deal with this insanity. it’s a huge cluster-fuck for them. if they allow trans-gender males to compete with biological females the entire Olympics will be a world-wide laughingstock. Sane countries like Russia, China, Poland, Italy and others will loudly protest. Specific ‘rules’ as to what constitutes a woman or a man will be penned but it won’t work. the ONLY solution is that you must compete with the gender with which you were born. the only caveat here will be genetic hermaphrodites. what to do, what to do…

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If ‘they’ want to continue this lunacy let them compete among themselves.