Trump Enacts Tariffs on China

Originally published at: Trump Enacts Tariffs on China |

The President took action against China over the massive trade deficit today. He signed an order to place billions of dollars in tariffs on them. It looks like this could be the first of many moves to protect American industry.

I fully support this move. China prevents American companies from competing in their market. Meanwhile, China is able to sell all of their poorly made crap in America without any issue. Setting up protective barriers is long overdue. This means more industry and jobs will stay in America.

The people against this whining about how it will cost more for certain consumer goods are idiots. Paying a little bit more for consumer goods is a small price to pay in order to ensure that all Americans have access to good paying jobs.

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I have become so soured on Trump that I see this imposition of tariffs against Chink steel imports as nothing more than a MAGA gimmick. The Orange Buffoon likes campaigning for president more than he likes actually being president.