Trump Discusses Immigration With Bipartisan Members of Congress

Originally published at: Trump Discusses Immigration With Bipartisan Members of Congress |

The President and bipartisan members of Congress discussed the issue of immigration openly in front of the press. His command of the room in front of the cameras totally debunked all this talk about him being psychological and mentally unfit to be President. That was the new narrative being pushed in the Jew-run media over the past few days. It’s actually an interesting clip because you typically don’t see the negotiations play out in front of the cameras like this.

What’s clear is that the President wants to make a deal on immigration. It’s unknown what that’s going to look like right now but there seems to be agreement to deal with immigration in a couple of phases. The first of which would involve some type of deal on DACA, the border wall, chain migration and the diversity lottery.

Obviously, I am against legalizing these DACA anchor babies. I’d like them all thrown out of the country ASAP. Unfortunately, the President won’t be able to do anything on immigration without using DACA as a bargaining chip.

The only way I’d accept a DACA fix is if policies are implemented that would make it an irrelevant factor to the future racial demographics of the country. Ending chain migration and implementing some type of merit based system could potentially do that but we’d have to see what they come up with.

I’d be lying if I said I was optimistic on the outcome, but I’m not going to pass judgment until we see a final product.

Trump is going to cuck on immigration, there’s no doubt about that. He is just looking for a way to save face when he does it.

The present government is not going change its ways, because it’s run by a hostile tribe of inbred alien parasites. Trump’s administration gives us a few years to train, arm and prepare for RAHOWA, but that’s about it.

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The rhetoric certainly wasn’t promising in that meeting but we’ll just have to see what they come up with. Maybe we’ll be surprised by the outcome.

This is our only chance of getting the wall, as promised!! If this does not happen, it will be the final nail in the coffin, period.

You can hold your breath on the Wall getting built but make sure your will is in order.

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Yes- turning over immigration to cuck faggots like Ryan and Graham will surely work out well for white America.

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I dont care for outcome of DACA negotiations, what I want from these negotiations is to show to normal people that system is defunct. What we want is to ethnically cleanse the terriitory for our ethnostate. Its politically and systemically impossible to do this at the moment.

Most whites dont want this and would pick up arms if needed to defend multiculturalism. We could probably crush this, but there is no need for this. The best way to change this is through continuous assault on whites and j-left is doing this just fine.

But we also need to change the system because right now its built to defend status quo. This is mostly done through mechanics of checks and balances. Trumps utility is really not to build a wall or to deport DACA babies or some other minority group, but to undermine the system. Trump is doing exactly what is needed here. We had those awesome rulings that repealed Trump’s EOs, failure to repeal obamacare, tax reform that through legislative process got tailored as per moneyed interests, failure to build wall. What I want for us to “get” from these negotiations is Trump going out of his way to make a deal, a compromise, but have the j-left cockblocking everything, not making any concessions at all.

That is why democracy means the destruction of the white race

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