Trump Commutes Sentence of Deranged Kike Sholom Rubashkin

Originally published at: Trump Commutes Sentence of Deranged Kike Sholom Rubashkin |


So the President has commuted the sentence of this evil kike Sholom Rubashkin. He was the CEO of a kosher slaughterhouse who was found guilty of all sorts of crimes. His crimes ranged from employing illegal aliens, using child labor, mistreating animals and engaging in all sorts of financial fraud.

The Jews seem to think that this is a great victory for them, but in reality it is just revealing how disgusting they are. Look at the clip above which shows these kikes celebrating the release of Rubashkin. Bunch of filthy rats!

Jewish Press:

On Wednesday, students at Chabad yeshivas everywhere burst in song and dance after the White House had announced that President Donald Trump commuted the prison sentence of Sholom Rubashkin, a move supported by leaders “from across the political spectrum, from Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) to Orrin Hatch (R-Ut).”

Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, 58, an American Chabad rabbi, used to be the CEO of a kosher slaughterhouse and meat-packing plant in Postville, Iowa, which he had grown into the largest kosher meat producer in the United States, until the plant was cited for animal mistreatment, food and environmental safety issues, child labor, and employing illegal aliens.

Then, in November 2009, Rubashkin was convicted of 86 counts of financial fraud, including bank fraud, mail and wire fraud and money laundering, and in June 2010 was sentenced to 27 years in a Federal Correctional Institution in Mount Hope, New York. In 2011, an appeals court ruled against his petition, and in 2012 The US Supreme Court refused to hear his appeal of that ruling.

“Mr. Rubashkin has now served more than 8 years of that sentence, which many have called excessive in light of its disparity with sentences imposed for similar crimes,” President Trump’s announcement noted, reflecting deep resentments over the exceptionally harsh sentence in the Jewish community as well as in the legal community at the time of the trial.

On the surface I obviously disagree with commuting the sentence of this kike. However, his release exposes the amount of power these kikes have over the government. Look at how the entire political establishment advocated for the release of this obviously horrible individual. Who else besides the Jews have this power?

The evil kike Sholom Rubashkin.

This could have a similar impact on the Jews that Trump's Jerusalem declaration has had.

I’m not going to go so far as to say that this is some type of chess move, but these recent moves by Trump which are symbolically in favor of Jews, aren’t actually in their long term interest. It is indirectly exposing their horrible behavior.

And yes, I can obviously understand why people would bash Trump over this move but I think the jury is still out on his presidency. I still don’t understand why there are people who think that we’d be better off with Hillary Clinton in power. While there have been some negatives, there’s also been lots of great things that have happened as a result of Trump in power.


So now the kike can go back to his scheming, greedy ways- thanks, Trump


Yeah I would have preferred that this kike remain locked up.

I do think Trump’s over the top Jew shilling is in many ways counterproductive to the Jews because it is so ridiculously insane.

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A self-promoting loudmouth billionaire from NYC with lots of jew friends and a jew son-in-law…Who could have predicted Trump would do something like this?



This type of pro-Jew and pro-Israel stuff is nauseating no doubt. It is not unexpected though. I just hope he is over the top with any pro-Jew or pro-Israel move he makes moving forward. The more ridiculous it is, the more it exposes the power these kikes have.


One of the few things I dislike about Trump. I don’t support the get out of jail free card for the fucking kike. Train ride to the lampshade factory would be an better solution.


He could have at least sent Shlomo to Israel so he can only rip off other sheenies


Come on guys, it’s not like he put bacon on a mosque.


its sick how all the kikes think this guy is some kind of a poor victim


This repulsive and truly evil creature clearly shows how mild and even-handed Streicher’s illustrations were.


The jew cries out in pain as he gets his sentence commuted.

I wonder if a gentile would have gotten his sentence commuted if he did the same thing as that kike? Not a chance.


What is an avalanche of stories about Trump being Partizan for Jews and Israel going to do?

It will please evangi-cucks, cause some to look into the JQ, and put Jews on the front line all over the world as Muslims turn on them.

Jews differ over whether to rush to take us out or slowly strangle us as a safer way to eliminate whites. These stories cause tension in Jewry. They often lead to red pilling stories in the Israeli press - like when they talk about keeping their overwhelming influence under wraps.

We don’t control what comes out. We only get to use it as well as we can.