Trump Calls for Peace in Palestine

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Donald Trump made some interesting comments about the ongoing events in Palestine during an interview with some Israelis. He basically said that what the Jews have done has been very bad for Israel and that peace would be what’s best for Israel.

President Trump on Israel and Gaza:

"We’ve got to get to peace, you can’t have this going on. Israel has to be very careful because you’re losing a lot of the world, a lot of support."

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) March 26, 2024

It is very true that what the Jews have done is very bad for Israel. In fact, they have as Trump said turned the entire world against them. He said that they have to finish the war and end it quickly in order to achieve this peace.

The problem for the Jews is that they can’t end the war quickly as Trump is suggesting. They can’t defeat Hamas or Hezbollah. They’re in quite the pickle.

I obviously don’t like the fact that Trump is coming at this issue from the standpoint of what’s best for Israel, but his general high level assessment of the situation is correct. Israel has gained nothing from this mass slaughter they are conducting.

The Jews have isolated themselves to the point where even the Jew-controlled United States government is feeling compelled to withdraw their unwavering support at the United Nations. There’s a definite rift that’s been formed. There are no doubt numerous Jews who agree with Trump that the current Israeli strategy has been a disaster for the Zionist regime. That’s why I believe the Jews may end up letting Trump win because an increasing number of Jews with various political perspectives are coming to the conclusion that Israel would be better with him in office.

You also have Israelis openly stating that they’d be better off with Trump in office.

Israeli national security minister Itamar Ben Gvir: "President Biden prefers political interests over Israel's security, Trump will be better for us"

— Yosef Yisrael (@yosefyisrael25) March 26, 2024


This is typical, Trumpstein… he cares more about Israel than the thousands of children buried under tons of rubble.

RFK Jr. will siphon enough votes away from OBidenCo to allow Trumpstein to overcome the Democrat voter fraud machine.

I hope the Jews stay on their murdering rampage because this is the best bet to destroy Israel once and for all.

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How about calling for Peace in Israel, instead?
They’re the ones who are currently terrorizing the region.
I remember a quote on tv when our news propaganda apparatus was trying to make Yassir Arafat look like a dipshit
“They (Israel) say they want Peace. But they don’t want peace”.
I believed him then (around 1978), and still do to this day. They really are words of wisdom. It really IS as simple as that.
Israel says things that are the opposite of apparent reality. Then they get mad when you point it out to anybody.

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Trump is going to win by a huge landslide, the largest we’ve ever seen.

sure… The Trumpies are Hellbent on revenge for the stolen election and a lot of libs will probably sit this one out or vote for, Kennedy.

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