Trump Brands Deep State Witch Hunt #SpyGate

Originally published at: Trump Brands Deep State Witch Hunt #SpyGate |

It looks as if the entire witch hunt against the President is really starting to boomerang on those that launched this thing. Trump has been able to successfully brand the deep state witch hunt against him as #SpyGate.

Pretty funny that James Clapper who was the Director of National Intelligence under Barry Obama is trying to claim that they were doing Trump a favor by spying on his campaign. This is literally the most insane argument ever. If they were legitimately concerned about Russians infiltrating Trump’s campaign as Clapper infers, they could have just contacted them and let them know their concerns. The only reason to send a spy into the campaign would be because you are conducting a counter intelligence operation against a political opponent.

But Clapper has a history of lying. Remember when he lied to Congress about the National Security Agency spying on Americans? The man is totally untrustworthy.

And former FBI Director James Comey chimed in on Twitter whining about “facts” and how it is unpatriotic to criticize or question the FBI. Keep in mind that this is the same asshole who didn’t care about “facts” when it came to investigating Hillary Clinton’s illegal email server.

Sheryl Attkisson who previously worked at CBS News and has a fairly long track record inside the mainstream media, penned an article documenting eight signs that a counter intelligence operation was deployed against Trump’s campaign. Her piece gives further relevance to what is obviously a major scandal.

A meeting is slated for tomorrow where select members of Congress might finally get a chance to view the underlying intelligence that was used to open this witch hunt against the Trump campaign. It will be interesting to see what comes of it.

But people like James Clapper, John Brennan, James Comey, Loretta Lynch and other high level characters under Obama are probably going to need some high priced legal help if this continues moving in this direction. It looks like much of this chicanery is about to get exposed in a big way.

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I’ve seen Clapper interviewed on a few shows to plug his boring new book that no one is going to buy. He looks like a dried -up scrotal sac. And it’s obvious even to a blubber-lipped, nappy-headed, flat-nosed NIGGER that he lies about everything.

All those cuckservatives have that same look about them…

Clapper is one of the most insane liars imaginable. Hopefully we see him in an orange jumpsuit soon.