Trump Booed for Shilling Deadly Vaxx

Originally published at: Trump Booed for Shilling Deadly Vaxx |

Donald Trump was booed at his own rally in Alabama for shilling the deadly vaxx.

LOL Trump told his slime to get vaccinated and they booed him. #YouCantVaccinateAgainstMobs

— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) August 22, 2021

The full rally is available on Rumble and Bitchute.

I have no idea why he keeps touting these death shots. Maybe he is being threatened with prison if he doesn’t do it. Or maybe he took the vaxx and the vaxx is destroying his ability to think clearly.

He should be distancing himself from the vaxx instead of trying to take credit for the rollout of the vaxx. His supporters are almost entirely against the vaxx agenda so there is zero political benefit in promoting it.

These shots that people are being coerced into taking are literally killing people and causing major health problems for folks.

On top of that, the media is admitting that these shots have been totally ineffective.

Last year when he was looking for a way out of the crisis, I could at least understand why he would support any and all options to put an end to it. But at this point, there is zero reason to be shilling any of these doom shots.

The 2015 Trump is a completely different person than the 2021 Trump. His continued shilling of these death shots is simply unforgivable.

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