Trump Again States That Fake News is an Enemy of the People

Originally published at: Trump Again States That Fake News is an Enemy of the People |

Arguably the best thing Donald Trump has done as President is expose the lies of the media. It’s up to us to show the people how the fake news that’s reported is coming almost entirely from Jews.

Everyone should read my Daily Stormer article on the subject. CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC and the New York Times all have Jews in upper management and large numbers of Jews in a wide variety of roles. This is publicly verifiable open source information that anyone can find.

Fake news is a Jewish phenomenon. All of these subversive Jew media operations should be shut down in the name of national security. They are harming the nation with their lies and anti-American propaganda.


The jew press is definitely feeling the heat from all the unfavorable attention being focused on them by Trump and his tens of millions of enthusiastic supporters. Even Chris “the rat-faced kike” Wallace looks like he’s ready to plotz! What a way to exist - constantly antagonizing your gentile hosts, but being careful not to get them so upset that they literally want to kill you.



The media is definitely a sick bunsh of bastrts. in the 1960s here in UK we had subcultures: the Mods, and the Rockers. there was no animosity between the two groups, they just did their own thing. the scumbag newspapers started printing stories that these identities were opposed to one another. pretty soon they WERE opposed, and once a bit of damage had been done, and mutual distrust was established, it was total warfare. I think this was a experiment by lazy and gutless ‘journalists’ scum. shit stirrers, they then get to sit back and watch she shit go down. they really are our enemy, and should be hunted down and brutally killed!


You should read Evelyn Waugh’s novel, Scoop.