Trump Accused of Racism for Giving Elvis the Medal of Freedom

Originally published at: Trump Accused of Racism for Giving Elvis the Medal of Freedom |

Some deranged and insane asshole named Chris Richards who writes for the discredited blog site the Washington Post, is claiming that President Donald J. Trump is a racist because he awarded Elvis Presley the Medal of Freedom.

Even the Jewess Jessica Tarlov on Fox News thought this went too far.

The article itself written by Richards is some of the most crazy and incoherent babble imaginable. He uses the word “yes” 17 times in an article that only has 7 paragraphs. A nigger with down syndrome could have probably written a more coherent article.

This just shows that these media organizations are hiring lower and lower quality writers. They’re the only people they can find who are willing to make a shit salary while selling their soul to write such retarded propaganda. And they’re constantly trying to outdo one another with attacks on the bad orange man.

But I can see why the Jewess Tarlov didn’t like this. They’ve gone so far overboard labeling people and things as “racist” that these terms no longer have any meaning. They’ve essentially lost one of their most effective propaganda weapons.

Their propagandists have gone so far over the edge, that they’re trying to claim that the 60 million people who voted for Donald J. Trump are all racists even though that is objectively not true. We could only hope that this was the case. If it was, the United States would be in much better shape than it is now. America has all sorts of problems thanks to the onslaught of all this third world genetic garbage that we’ve been forced to deal with. If we had more racist Whites in political power, we would not have these issues.


I remember Elvis when he first started back in the late 1950’s. Even interrupted his career to serve 2 years in the U.S. Army (1958-60). That man did more good for this country than all those douchebags combined, & especially Richards.


I think Elvis was part Injun and maybe even part jewish. He also had a lot of black fans, including Little Richard and Jimi Hendrix. And like JP mentioned above Elvis was an honorably discharged vet. I’m not sure what the Medal of Freedom is for. I thought it was only awarded to wealthy jew political donors or their yenta wives. But if anyone deserves a medal for his contributions to American culture it’s The King.

There’s something about the way many people tweet that makes them come across as being really despicable. Maybe it’s just that the only people left on twitter are annoying fags and irritating jewesses? At any rate I am ready to enlist in a Right Wing Death Squad to liquidate all of them.


Elvis is Jewish. His mother WAS a Jew. So, how ironic is this?

Gee, what a surprise. Never seen such vile, disgusting media kikes. Trump could cure cancer and the media whores would accuse him of sending oncologists out of business.

She’s still hate-fuckworthy if you ask me.

Some additional information on Elvis’s Jewish connections from the Israeli press. It’s a bit fuzzy but apparently his Great Great Grandmother was Jewish and they say that Elvis was Jewish according to Jewish religious law.

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Elvis was a Jew? Ok, whatever.
The real guitar genius behind Elvis was Scotty Moore. He was the main guitarist behind the so called King of rock and roll throughout his career.
Scotty Moore is on the left of Elvis in his 1968 comeback.

Elvis was essentially just strumming the chords while Scotty Moore did all the work.
Good example:

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