Treasonous Granny Fucker Macron to Deliver Speech

Originally published at: Treasonous Granny Fucker Macron to Deliver Speech |

The treasonous fucker of grannies and all around piece of shit individual Emmanuel Macron has decided to come out of hiding and will be delivering a speech to the French people.

As most of you already know, Macron has an 18 percent approval rating and there has been a mass uprising against his horrible government policies.

I’m not exactly sure what this clown is going to say but he’ll probably offer bullshit concessions that will be the equivalent of moving deck chairs around a sinking ship. I don’t think there’s anything this goofy elitist bastard can say or do that will stop the “Yellow Vest” protests.

What’s ironic about these protests is how the French government seems to have ample amounts of police resources to counter them. They even had the time to toss a man out of his wheelchair.

Why can’t the police do this sort of thing to the Moslems and third world filth that have infested their country? They obviously have the manpower to do it by they choose instead to do nothing.

And this is just one of the many reasons why the people are revolting against Macron. The French people like most Whites around the world have become second class citizens inside their own countries.


The address will be Macron’s first since the start of the anti-government protests, which began weeks ago over a proposed fuel tax increase, which has since been scrapped.

French officials said Macron will use the speech to disclose “immediate and concrete measures” to respond to protesters behind the largest civil disobedience in France in 50 years.

Sounds like this speech is just going to make people angrier. I’m not even sure what else he can do at this point besides ordering the military to use live ammunition on protesters.


We’ll probably see that happen next summer.

i’m now certain that elections all over the world are rigged by globalist filth who then obfuscate their skullduggery by pretending that Russia is interfering… there is no way that this smarmy little cocksucker Macron won the majority vote in France.