Trains and Infrastructure Accidents Continue Throughout America

Originally published at: Trains and Infrastructure Accidents Continue Throughout America |

I’ve lost track of all the train and infrastructure accidents that have happened over the past week or so.

Here are some tweets describing some of the accidents.

BREAKING NEWS: Fiery train derailment sparks evacuations, emergency response in small midwestern town

— Fox News (@FoxNews) March 30, 2023

🚨North Dakota🚨

Train derailment involving 70 carriages – carrying more hazardous substance – suggest this is bitumen (not petroleum as reported).

These aren’t coincidences – 🇺🇸 America 🇺🇸 is under attack from within.#NorthDakota
#wef2030agenda #trainderailment

— Concerned Citizen (@cotupacs) March 27, 2023

The chemical spill was in Bucks County just before midnight FRIDAY. No explanation for why #Philadelphia residents weren't informed until this afternoon. The chemicals are the same as those in the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment.#PhillyToxicSpill

— Victoria Brownworth (@VABVOX) March 26, 2023

America is falling apart. What’s happening in America is worse than many third world countries.

The government is doing nothing substantive to fix these problems even though in theory the Transportation Department and the Environmental Protection Agency are supposed to deal with such things. They have proven to be worse than useless and are run by people who are nothing more than corrupt political appointees obsessed with gay sodomy and trannies. So why have these government organizations? They should all be abolished.

If there’s any good news it is that this country is collapsing so fast, there likely won’t be the economic resources to fund these worthless government agencies in the near future. America has become a very gay and diverse version of the Soviet Union.


don’t worry… Linsey Graham is on-the-job !


When you have no money to fix the crumbling infrastructure because all the money that is supposed to be allocated to these projects of repair and replacement gets redirected to Ukraine and Israel.


Found this article on the Realist Report. Wonder if these hiring practices could have something to do with it . . .

A shocking report published by, an online platform that describes itself as the “premier resource for job seekers” that helps its users create effective resumes and cover letters, has found that white job applicants—particularly white men—are openly discriminated against in hiring, with hiring managers and corporate executives prioritizing “diversity” in the workplace more so than recruiting and employing qualified and skilled workers.

According to the results of a nationwide poll involving 1,000 hiring managers in various companies and corporations across the U.S., 52% of those surveyed believe their company practices “reverse discrimination” in hiring, essentially favoring minority candidates over whites in an effort to increase “diversity” and “equity.”

Additionally, one in six hiring managers noted that they had been specifically tasked with deprioritizing hiring white men, while just under 50% of those surveyed indicated they were asked to prioritize “diversity,” i.e., non-white candidates, over legitimate worker qualifications and experience.

Roughly 53% of those surveyed said that their job would be in danger if they did not hire enough “diverse” candidates, and 70% said that their company has “diversity, equity, and inclusion” initiatives—an increasingly popular fad within Human Resources departments at companies big and small around the country that effectively prioritize hiring non-white, non-binary candidates to increase “diversity” in the workplace—merely for the sake of appearance.

The survey, conducted on Nov. 2, was commissioned by and managed by the survey platform Pollfish. All 1,000 participants in the survey confirmed they were actively employed as hiring managers responsible for “at least 25% of the hiring at their workplace,” according

The bombshell report and polling data has not received widespread media attention or commentary precisely because “it is white males who are being discriminated against,” argues Christopher Tremoglie in an insightful and hard-hitting op-ed published by the Washington Examiner.

“Racism, discrimination, and prejudice are permitted, and sometimes even actively encouraged, when it involves white males,” Tremoglie argues. “The Left has created a culture that vilifies white people, and it was only a matter of time before the ideology spilled over into corporate America. Corporations don’t even try to hide their anti-white bigotry anymore.”

Despite the prevailing narrative of “white privilege” and “systemic oppression” of minorities in America—common talking points espoused by leftist academics, activists, politicians and journalists—roughly “16% of hiring managers surveyed say they have been told to deprioritize white men when evaluating candidates” and “14% have been told to deprioritize hiring white women,” reports, demonstrating that both white males and females are openly discriminated against.

Over 16% of all respondents of the survey noted that they “very often” look over “qualified candidates” precisely because they are not “diverse enough,” while over 31% said they pass on qualified candidates “somewhat often” for the same reason. Clearly, an explicit anti-white bias appears to prevail among many hiring managers across the country, yet another indication that whites are being openly and blatantly discriminated against in the name of promoting “diversity” and “inclusion,” Marxist buzzwords that simply mean fewer white people.

These results “would have been a significant issue if this happened to any other race,” Tremoglie noted. “Politicians, pundits, and national newscasts would have declared their outrage. Protests and marches would have occurred, and the main narrative would have been that ‘the patriarchy’ and ‘white supremacy’ were again rearing their ugly heads.”

“But when white people are the victims,” Tremoglie concluded, “the purveyors of racial equality are nowhere to be found.”

NB: This article was originally published by American Free Press on December 1, 2022. Subscribe to America’s last real newspaper today!

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sure… i knew that this was happening and it’s going to get much worse because of open borders… There’s a James Brown song about inequality apportioned to Blacks… " I DON’T WANT NOBODY GIVE ME NUTHIN… OPEN-UP THE DOOR… I’LL GET IT MYSELF, UUUHH…" Well this isn’t true at all for Black America as a whole. They want EVERYTHING given to them.

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