Torba Gab Post Gets 66 Reactions in Ten Hours

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A Gab post by Andrew Torba shilling the concept of store “loyalty programs” only got 66 reactions in ten hours. He obviously posted this to try and convince people to buy Gab Pro claiming that they would feel “special” if they did so. It was an utterly stupid post.

Torba allegedly has 4.2 million followers on Gab so regardless of how shitty and retarded this post is, you’d expect far more than 66 reactions over the course of 10 hours. It also only got 23 replies, 10 reposts and 2 quote posts.

This proves yet again that the vast majority of his followers are either fake/dead accounts or bots.

Gab is on its death bed. I plan on continuing to document its demise largely because of how poorly Torba treated myself and other content creators. He fully deserves it for being such an asshole over all these years.


For all the talk over the last few years that Gab is taking off and has millions of subscribers, I never saw or felt that that was really true. I never saw millions of reactions or comments to articles on there. I rarely saw Thousands of comments or reactions to an article on there.
It was usually in the tens or hundreds.
I wasn’t sure if it was just the places I was checking out or what the deal was:
I went there looking for Incogman after his site got shut down and even his colorful commentaries sometimes only had around 10 or 20 reactions, which was surprising to me. He is really on top of the scuzzy DC scene and points out all the negroid anomalies as well as Jewish bs going on, and I would think that a forum like Gab would provide lots of views at his site.
Over the last two weeks, I have noticed a lot less traffic there and lots of negative reactions to Torba’s decision to charge for posting memes: a decision that shut me down somewhat since I like to use Visual reactions in my commentaries there.


One reason why there are so few responses and replies on Gab, is because they’re hidden. If you reply to a post and someone replies to your reply, it’s not featured in the main thread, you have to click to see it. I always thought that was retarded and clunky.

Gab AI is pretty good, but they only allow you to make 5 sample images a day, and then those pics are deleted after three hours. I was furious when I saw that. I would have bought the service if they had not done that.


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