Tom Cruise Goes Nuts About COVID Rule Violators On Movie Set

Originally published at: Tom Cruise Goes Nuts About COVID Rule Violators On Movie Set |

Tom Cruise is currently filming a new Mission Impossible movie and audio leaked of him going insane about members of the crew violating coronavirus rules on the set.

Tom Cruise just made me scientifically erect. Mask me, daddy.

— chaps (@UncleChaps) December 16, 2020

Tom Cruise went ballistic on the Mission: Impossible 7 crew for breaking COVID protocols…

— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) December 16, 2020

Tom Cruise ranted at colleagues on the set of his latest “Mission: Impossible” movie after he reportedly spotted two workers failing to abide by social distancing rules.

— AP Entertainment (@APEntertainment) December 16, 2020

There’s a bunch of Jews and random fools on Twitter cheering Cruise’s rant about coronavirus protocols.

TOM CRUISE was 100% RIGHT to go off on #MissionImpossible7 crew members for violating COVID-19 guidelines. He said what had to be said & he expressed the frustration that so many of us feel about those who aren’t taking this killer pandemic seriously. #ImWithTom

— Scott Mantz (@MovieMantz) December 17, 2020

Column: Admit it, it felt good to hear Tom Cruise get angry about COVID-19 safety

— LAT Entertainment (@latimesent) December 17, 2020

I think Cruise yelling at people and threatening to get people fired over these stupid rules is ridiculous. He should be lashing out at the people in government who have imposed these insane rules on people instead of acting as if these rules have any sort of credibility. I mean, we are dealing with a virus that is no more dangerous than the flu and none of these protocols and rules have done a damn thing to stop the spread. They are just meant to drive people insane, destroy businesses and help bring in the Great Reset plan which is nothing more than global communism.

Obviously the man is frustrated about the state of the industry that he has worked in his entire life, but what he doesn’t want to admit is that it is not coming back. The movie theater industry is done with. All the major cinema chains are in the process of going out of business and with the economy in tatters, fewer and fewer people have money to spend on leisure and entertainment.

It’s a shame Cruise didn’t use his fame to protest what these rules were doing to the movie industry and businesses as a whole. That would have had some meaning. But just yelling at some people on his movie set for violating all these dumb protocols is a misuse and poor direction of his anger.


The little runt probably staged his rant to get some much needed publicity for the movie. It’s the best acting of his career.

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