TikTok Supporters Rightly Ban Jews for Congressional Ban

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/tiktok-supporters-rightly-ban-jews-for-congressional-ban/

The Washington Free Beacon has published an article describing how TikTok supporters are blaming Jews for the House bill that was passed which would effectively ban the site in America.

TikTok Supporters Blame Jews for Congressional Banhttps://t.co/pDfm4fkmY2

— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) March 18, 2024

These people are right to blame Jews. The Jews are on record saying that shutting down TikTok is a top priority for them. They also have enormous lobbying power in Washington DC and effectively control Congress itself.

The ADL’s head Jew Jonathan Greenblatt was talking about how they have a TikTok problem and moved to “shut it down.”

ADL Greenblat’s leaked tape “We have a Tik Tok problem, shut it down”. #tiktokban

Israel controls free speech in the US.pic.twitter.com/7nc9CQfeNK

— Syrian Girl 🇸🇾 (@Partisangirl) March 15, 2024

The group looking at ways to purchase TikTok is being led by the Jew Steve Mnuchin.

So yes, Jews are behind every aspect of this agenda. It is just obvious.


Chinks get a “twin” site ready called “DikDok”
“OK we sell, we sell.”
Make billions selling to the kikes
“DikDok” debuts
TikTok proletariat flees to DikDok.
kikes mad


The Chinese setting up a new site, selling juden some old digital hardware, followed by users migrating en masse from the old to the new would be one sick move - out-jewing the jews!

Keep passing your laws jews, no one cares anymore!


Greg Johnson explains it thusly:

After the Palestinians’ massive attack on Israel in October 7 and the war that followed began, alarm bells started going off when it was reported that the #IStandWithPalestine hashtags were outpacing #IStandWithIsrael on TikTok by a factor of ten to one (in actual numbers, 3.4 billion to 317 million). …TikTok’s user base is disproportionately young, and polling has shown that support for Israel has collapsed among Gen Z.

TikTok is the only major social media platform not controlled by Jews,

Treasury Secretary and card-carrying Jew Steve Mnuchin has said he assembling a group of investors to buy TikTok should the bill pass.

Gee, what are the chances those “investors” are Jews?


I think the Chinks are capable of out-jewing the jews.

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