Tijuana's Mayor Calls for UN Assistance Over Migrant Invasion

Originally published at: Tijuana’s Mayor Calls for UN Assistance Over Migrant Invasion | Infostormer.com

Shit is going to start getting really crazy in Tijuana, Mexico. You have thousands of migrant invaders from Central America and a population of angry locals who don’t want them there. Combine this with the fact that Tijuana doesn’t have the resources to deal with this and you have a powder keg that could explode at any moment.

Tijuana’s Mayor Juan Gastelum is calling for the United Nations to provide humanitarian assistance.

AZ Central:

The mayor of Tijuana declared an international humanitarian crisis on Thursday over the arrival of more than 5,000 mostly Central American migrants traveling in a caravan.

The migrants have streamed into the border city in the past week to seek asylum in the United States.

During a press conference Thursday, Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum asked international groups like the United Nations to step in help the city deal with the influx of migrants, amid a lagging response from the Mexican federal government, which he accused of neglecting their responsibilities to deal with migrant and immigration issues.

"They have categorically omitted and not complied with their legal obligations," he said. "So we're now asking them and international humanitarian aid groups to bring in and carry out humanitarian assistance."

But here's a better question. Why the fuck hasn't the Mexican military been sent in to detain and arrest all these invaders who entered their country illegally? Mexico has strong immigration laws. They could easily charge these invaders with crimes, detain them and deport them.

Either way, so long as the violence is contained on the Mexican side, that’s all I really give a shit about. It’s very important that President Trump hold the line here. It will send a strong message that this type of nonsense won’t be tolerated and will discourage future attempts.

Hungary successfully did this a few years ago when the European migrant invasion was in full force. While they didn’t build a wall, they setup enough fencing and fortifications to put an end to illegal border crossings. The same thing can happen here if Trump does what Hungary’s leader Viktor Orban successfully did.


because previously they encouraged them to use Mexico as a bridge by granting them temporary citizenship to get to Ah-mher-eek-Ah. but 2 week temp citizenship isn’t going to be enough since Trump has bottled them up. they will be there for a year or longer. lol… this is so much fun to watch. VIVA EL TRUMPO! hahaha…



Where are the mehican federallies? Oh yeah, busy doing drug deals with the cartels.


yep…and now its “help me civilized society” but out of the other side of their taco holes its “fuck whitey”…
The European nations of the world must free ourselves of the jew and then stop handing our wealth to the world and maybe we can take our place in this world back.
The problem, well, go look at the comment section anywhere online about any topic involving multiculturalism and you’ll see.
But you already knew that.
These pictures say it all.
