Thousands Cross Border Illegally Into El Paso, Texas

Originally published at: Thousands Cross Border Illegally Into El Paso, Texas |

A huge caravan of invaders crossed illegally into El Paso, Texas the other night. Tons of these invaders are being released on to the streets.

BREAKING: A huge migrant caravan of over 1,000 people crossed illegally into El Paso, TX last night, making it the largest single group we have ever seen. The city of El Paso reports Border Patrol now has over 5,000 in custody & has released hundreds to city streets. @FoxNews

— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) December 12, 2022

Looks like a pretty crazy situation.

BREAKING: An enormous mass of hundreds of migrants have just crossed illegally into El Paso, TX.
There is now a massive line of migrants waiting to be taken into custody by Border Patrol, and more are coming.
El Paso sector had over 2,600 crossings in 24 hrs Fri-Sat. @FoxNews

— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) December 12, 2022

They reportedly were escorted by Mexican police to the border.

Before this mass of migrants crossed, Mexican police escorted nearly 20 buses full of migrants into Ciudad Juarez, the MX city across from El Paso, and released them at multiple NGOs. The migrants then walked from the NGOs to the river, & crossed illegally into El Paso. @FoxNews

— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) December 12, 2022

I have no idea why anybody wants to come to America. This country is a third world shithole and the economy is plunging into an abyss. These people are either being paid by Jews to come here or are just stupid. Some American cities look worse than many third world cities.

There are also so many illegal aliens in America right now, that this issue is becoming less and less consequential. Legal immigration is actually a bigger problem in many respects. Either way, this situation just shows that this country is in a state of collapse. No serious country allows this type of thing.


They want Los Welfare checks.


Each one was registered as a Democrat the nano-second they crossed the border.

Gotta get in as many of these fuckers as possible before the 2024 POTUS election.


lol… yeah, and free phones and a free debit card and a good paying job via affirmative action…


As soon as they come in the jews set them up with free housing, EBT cards, social security and other free stuff while Americans are suffering.


Biden’s Unprecidented Border Disaster continues…

Total MSM Blackout on this,
they’d rather just sneak their white extinction plan by you and hope you don’t hear about it, and cackle together at the thought of your replacement and demise.
And when they own the MSM it’s not hard, because the sheeple have no other news sources that they know of.
White race a defeated bunch of cowards not willing to care about their country being destroyed because that might be “racist”… it’s just as the Jew planned for you… ignorant of what’s going on, don’t want to hear about it much less do anything… cucks, afraid more than anything to be called racist. Your future will reflect this, count on it.
Jews white replacement plan is going fantastically with Biden, they are overjoyed.


biden immigration genocide index


I love the way they claim that there were thousands of “apprehensions” at the border. BULLSHIT… they don’t have the resources to apprehend 10,000 savages and the ones that they “apprehend” are released.


It is an absolute myth that they come here to work.

They don’t have to b/c ZOG gives them everything they want with nothing expected in return so they can layabout, drink and do drugs all day and then drive drunk on our freeways.

I see it all over LA.

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no, they do have to work and ARE working and working hard. i’m watching them build a big home in my neighborhood. if the gov gave them everything they wouldn’t work.

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I can laugh about plenty of things, but one thing I can’t laugh about, and is not funny in the slightest to me, is my people being replaced by hordes of Turd worlders.
That they might be okay people is almost irrellevant,
they can stay in their home country, and be good people, overpopulate and have 12 kids, play their tuba music, snort their yeyo, in their mouse and roach hotels, and that is great, do that, but just don’t come here intending to replace me (which is exactly what they’re doing), or my race, because then, that becomes a threat to me.
But they barely even think about that at this point. They think it’s not my fault because Brandon and his Jews invited us.

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