Thomas Jefferson Statue Removed From NYC City Hall

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We said years ago that the removal of statues depicting heroes of the Confederacy was the first phase of a war to erase WHITE historical figures from American history. We said that the next step was going to be the erasure of the Founding Fathers. This is largely what the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville back in 2017 was all about. It was about preserving a statue of Confederate hero Robert E. Lee that a bunch of hateful Jews and niggers conspired to remove.

As usual, we’ve been proven right again.

Today a statue of Thomas Jefferson was removed from New York City. Jefferson was one of the most important figures in all of American history. This statue was in place for almost two centuries.

They remove Thomas Jefferson statues because it’s “offensive” but will happily erect statues of George Floyd who was a career criminal and drug addict.

World upside down.

— iamyesyouareno (@iamyesyouareno) January 26, 2024

Even Donald Trump was warning about this happening.

TRUMP WAS RIGHT: Trump warned Democrats would begin removing statues of the founders. The fact checkers said he was lying. Meanwhile Democrats removed the statue of Thomas Jefferson that stood in NYC city hall for 187 years…

— @amuse (@amuse) January 26, 2024

These same people are erecting statues to nigger drug addict criminals like George Floyd.

It is utterly disgraceful and it shows that America is no longer a country or anything else. It has been transformed into some type of bizarre multicultural Jewish slave zone that is at the heart of an evil global terrorist empire.


They’re going to melt it down under cover of darkness. The smelters should face consequences.


The statues are valuable from the standpoint of art and history alone, but of course the real goal is to destroy our morale, intellect and will to resist.


NYCity is a communist shit hole crawling with illegal invader criminals.

For me, Jefferson was the best of the founders.

My attitude is NYC doesn’t deserve Jefferson, Adams doesn’t qualify to lick Jefferson’s boots or clean his toilet.


I read somewhere that Jefferson didn’t like NYC anyway. Even in his day it was dirty, overcrowded, corrupt and dangerous. There is an undeclared revolution going on to erase America’s past and turn this country into just another multiracial free trade zone of the Jew World Order.


The goal of the traitors that run this country is to erase as much White history as possible while promoting niggers and every other nonWhite peoples all in the name of progressiveness.


Then some Jew buys it for pennies on the dollar.


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