Theory That Emmanuel Macron's Wife is a Tranny Goes Viral

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All sorts of people are saying that France’s President Emmanuel Macron wife Brigitte Macron who is like 24 years older than him is a tranny. The story has made headlines in the French media.

🇫🇷Macron in the French Media

You don’t require a translator to understand this headline!

This story just gets more bizarre by the day…..

— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) March 15, 2024

Candace Owens has come out staking her entire professional reputation on her position that Macron’s wife is a tranny.

This episode is blowing up so I just want to say—After looking into this, I would stake my entire professional reputation on the fact that Brigitte Macron is in fact a man. Any journalist or publication that is trying to dismiss this plausibility is immediately identifiable as…

— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) March 12, 2024

She spent a significant amount of time talking about this in one of her recent videos.

I thought the whole story about Macron’s wife being a man was bullshit when I heard it, but I’m starting to think it’s actually true.

I guess Obama and Macron like eachother for a reason!

— Joey Mannarino (@JoeyMannarinoUS) March 15, 2024

Macron’s marriage is obviously very weird. Men typically do not marry women who are many decades older than them. It is unnatural and strange. Such a relationship can’t produce children and this effectively makes the marriage pointless.

In fact, the official narrative about Macron’s marriage is just about as strange as all this tranny business that’s being talked about.

As far as the tranny issue goes, I can’t personally say if Macron’s wife is a tranny or not. I haven’t had a chance to look into this all that closely but it wouldn’t surprise me if this were the case. It also wouldn’t surprise me if a significant number of people at the upper echelon of world politics are homosexuals and/or trannies. I do believe Michelle Obama aka “Big Mike” is a tranny.

There’s also been this weird thing where people have been claiming all over social media that all sorts of famous women are trannies. I’ve seen posts from people claiming that Taylor Swift is a tranny which is quite the reach. This has perhaps been an agenda to obfuscate the fact that there are real trannies amongst Western political leaders by poisoning the well with disinformation.


Owens says that Macron could easily refute these rumours by producing pictures of herself as a young woman. Yet “she” won’t/can’t.

Moreover, public records for Jean-Michel Trogneux (“Brigette”) end at age 30, when the paper trail picks up for a “Brigette” at that time.

So decades ago, Brigette appears out of nowhere as a 30 year old woman.

Finally, Macron successfully sued the reseachers who released the story not for libel/slander, which would have refuted the veracity of their claim, but for an invasion of privacy.

Anyhow, these Macrons are sick sick sick.


Also wish we could get the same kind of research done on Mike Obama.


Hopefully US Journalists will be emboldened in this regard.

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I dont know why he’s so upset. He best get with the times. It’s 2024 for Pete’s sake! At this point everyone with 2 brain cells knows you have to be in the “club” to be a so called leader in any country ruled by democracy. To be in the club you of course have to have lots and lots of money and you have to be a dong/butthole enthusiast(a gigantic faggot) “What’s that you say? A leader of a country has a wife that’s really a man wearing a wig and lipstick? Meh, this is a democracy, you’ll have that”— already added to my collection of casual conversation killers.

It very well could be that Macron, himself, is the tranny.!

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