The Hill Claims Government Can Approve Forced Vaccinations

Originally published at: The Hill Claims Government Can Approve Forced Vaccinations |

There are lots of shills claiming that the government has the right to forcibly vaccinate everyone.

Count Merrill Matthews from The Hill as being another one of these shills. Take a look at some of the bullshit he wrote in his recent op-ed.

The Hill:

When a COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, I will be one of the first in line. But the fact is U.S. adults tend to have low vaccination rates. If the government determines that vaccinations are essential to stemming the spread of the disease, would it – could it – mandate vaccination compliance? Apparently, it can — and it might.

Many medical experts believe that developing one or more COVID-19 vaccines is the key to reopening the economy and returning to our normal lives. For example, the Mayo Clinic says, “A vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is perhaps the best hope for ending the pandemic.”

The Congressional Research Service says the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that “The states’ general police power to promote public health and safety encompasses the authority to require mandatory vaccinations.” And states have all exercised that authority for children, usually allowing for some exceptions.

CRS also says, “Congress, as a result of various enumerated powers in the Constitution, likewise has some authority over public health matters, including regulation of vaccination.”

Government mandated vaccinations for adults would be a major and controversial step. But then government has taken a number of major and controversial steps recently, such as shutting down the economy.

I don’t give a fuck what the Congressional Research Service says nor do I give a fuck what this freedom hating piece of shit says either.

I am not taking the coronavirus vaccine and to claim that the government has the legal authority to force me or anybody else to take it is absurd.

To the people who are so excited about getting a coronavirus vaccine and advocating forced vaccinations, I highly suggest that you take the coronavirus vaccine and inject it straight up your asshole. Same goes for the implantable microchip that Bill Gates wants to put inside of your body. Your asshole will be a great place for it to reside. You might even want to tattoo the word “slave” on your forehead.

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