Texas: SWAT Team Deployed to Prevent Bar Reopening

Originally published at: Texas: SWAT Team Deployed to Prevent Bar Reopening | Infostormer.com

In Texas, a SWAT team was deployed to prevent a bar from reopening. A fucking SWAT team complete with an armored vehicle. This is dystopic police state shit here.

A SWAT team with GUNS DRAWN raided a peaceful protest at Big Daddy Zane’s in West Odessa, Texas.

The bar owner reopened because he says “all businesses are essential.”

Gov. @GregAbbott_TX, is this acceptable in Texas???pic.twitter.com/WPf1hv3h4N

— Young Americans for Liberty (@YALiberty) May 5, 2020

#Odessa: local authories called in the #EctorCounty Sheriff’s SWAT team to raid a peaceful protest at Big Daddy Zane’s.

The bar opened this afternoon & this is how the government reacted. #Midland #Texas pic.twitter.com/Ae5wbi4iev

— Walton And Johnson (@WaltonNJohnson) May 6, 2020

A SWAT Team responded when a bar owner in West Texas defied restrictions on bars and opened up shop attracting a group of armed supporters: https://t.co/wmNnGMfbHg pic.twitter.com/3TPCgJ4UTS

— HLN (@HLNTV) May 6, 2020

These badge niggers will send in SWAT teams and armored vehicles to prevent a bar from reopening during a hoaxed pandemic, but won’t use the same resources to arrest illegal aliens and real criminals.

Funny how that works isn’t it?

These stupid badge niggers that did this are enemies of the people. These lockdown orders are all unconstitutional and people in law enforcement are under no obligation to enforce them. That’s especially true with county sheriffs. The sheriff that ordered this raid should be removed from office immediately and charged with crimes for this act of treachery.

a bunch of fat fucks bring rifles there and surrender. leave the fucking rifles home if you dont want to use them. I am glad the fake blowhard right wing is getting a taste of the police state that they worship. all the fake right cares about is israel

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