Texas: Millions Without Power Due to Reliance on Windmills

Originally published at: Texas: Millions Without Power Due to Reliance on Windmills | Infostormer.com

Texas bought into all the green energy bullshit and decided to power a large portion of their state with those fantastically ugly giant windmills. But thanks to a massive snowstorm and historically cold temperatures, many of these windmills have frozen, leaving millions without power.

'Green' and freezing in Texas

Almost half of Texas windmills frozen.

Power cut to 2.3 million.#BidenClimatePlanUpdatehttps://t.co/yymSJuLTBM

— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) February 15, 2021

Indefinite power outages for millions of people in Texas because of cold weather. America is not a truly great country anymore and our quality of life will continue to fall unless radical change occurs.

— Nicholas J. Fuentes (@NickJFuentes) February 16, 2021

We were told that we needed green energy initiatives like wind and solar because the planet was getting warmer and that we would all die because of the warming. So it is ironic that a massive cold front causes all of these windmills to freeze up that were installed to prevent global warming. It shows that this whole global warming/climate change bullshit is just that.

This is no joke either. People are literally going to die because of this. Had Texas relied primarily on nuclear energy or traditional sources of energy, millions of Texans would not be in this situation. But nobody had the foresight to see that this type of thing was a possibility or they were purposefully negligent.

Everything we are doing as a country is insane and stupid. Don’t expect that to change anytime soon because our country is filled with literal retards who can’t critically think about anything.


Nick Fuentes is exactly right. I think this every day. I don’t know how people aren’t freaking out about this. It could be too late to fix already but certainly in a couple years it will be impossible.
I knew there was more to this story than I was being told, Infostormer comes through with the truth again. Whatever happened to having a backup plan? Certainly anyone involved in this without a backup plan in place should be fired immediately.
That being said such low temps in Texas is probably a rare occurance but do they not have experts on wind power that should have considered this possibility?
Learning the hard way due to stupidity is all too disturbingly common nowadays. We need highly intelligent white men and only those controlling these types of things to have any hope of future proofing. But even then mistakes can still happen. One cog in the machine not up to snuff spells disaster. I’m betting that happened somewhere along the line here. Wouldn’t be surprised if some Mexican woman AA hire in Texas government decided windmill power needed no backup plan.

The windmills are ugly, impractical and also kill birds, but they are just the tip of the iceburg.

Any competent engineer would have accounted for the most extreme circumstances to prevent failures. I am not an electrical engineer, but surely a competent engineer would have ensured that these windmills could operate in cold weather even if such an event was unlikely. Of course, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation if other more practical forms of energy were being used instead of these dumb windmills.

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