Texas Man Goes on Shooting Rampage After Traffic Stop

Originally published at: Texas Man Goes on Shooting Rampage After Traffic Stop | Infostormer.com

A Texas man named Seth Ator a White male in his 30s got pulled over by police for a traffic violation and he proceeded to go on a shooting rampage killing and injuring numerous people.

Here’s a few pictures of Ator.

There didn’t seem to be anything out of the ordinary about this guy. Reportedly, he worked as a truck driver and his neighbors had nothing bad to say about him. He also had a minimal criminal record.

This just appears to be a case of a man who has been totally beaten down by our sick society. And him getting pulled over for some bullshit traffic violation sent him over the edge.

But instead of addressing the many obvious problems with our society, all we are hearing about is how we have to ban guns. And that’s not even a practical solution. There’s 300 million guns throughout America and blacks are responsible for many more mass shootings than Whites.

Kike-run operations have falsely claimed that Whites are responsible for more mass shootings by manipulating statistics to remove gang related shootings from the figures so they can push their evil-Whitey narrative.

But it is a fact that young White males in their 20s and 30s are the most demonized people in our disgusting culture. This entire Jewish system is designed to oppress White men while elevating women, trannies, faggots and non-Whites. And when you consider that fact, it is honestly a surprise that we don’t see more of these types of incidents. Especially when they have made political change increasingly difficult if not impossible.


Mr Lee is right - this is probably just another guy pushed to his limit and just got sick of the BS that goes along with everyday life in the JewSA. These fucking ZOG troopers acting as revenue collectors enforcing a bunch of petty laws are just the first line of defense for the jewish oligarchy.


Soon heroic men like this will be a lot more common:



Love that movie! If you drive through certain parts of Texas and don’t have road rage, I need to apply a Turing test.


To quote my opa “who ever designed this road needs to be taken out back and shot” He worked for the highway department and was an reserve officer . Evertime a white shoots a gun from here on out will be a crime.