Texas Immigration Law Put on Hold by Lower Court?

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/texas-immigration-law-put-on-hold-by-lower-court/

Just what in the fuck is going on here?????????????????

Look at this headline from the Fox News gay faggot homos.

Federal appeals court puts Texas immigration law again back on hold hours after Supreme Court approved it https://t.co/L0sGAdvscp

— Fox News (@FoxNews) March 20, 2024

First the Supreme Court ordered a hold on Texas enforcing immigration law and after reviewing the matter allowed them to go through with enforcing immigration law.

Now there’s headlines talking about how a lower appeals court overruled the Supreme Court?????

There must be some technicality or some bizarre thing that I’m not aware of because I’ve never seen a situation where a lower court is allowed to overrule the Supreme Court.

This is all so gay and retarded. Nothing is straightforward. Simple things are made complicated and this is done so intentionally.


The fact that nobody understands what the hell is going on with this just shows how gay and retarded this fucked up system of government is.


OBidenCo probably appealed to a lower court with a new argument that will now have to go to the shitbags on the supreme court… at least this proves that Pedo-Joe is only giving lip-service to securing our border.


We live in a :clown_face: :earth_americas:. Its exhausting.


The POS judge, David Alan Ezra, born June 27, 1947, is a senior United States district judge of the United States District Court for the District of Hawaii.

Appointed by Ronald Reagan.

Texas should ignore the ruling, just as the Biden admin is ignoring the SCOTUS ruling prohibiting the government from repaying student loans - which the Biden admin is ignoring - and is busy paying off the loans.

Let the feds send the national guard to Texas to enforce the lower court ruling…


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