Texas Church Shooter Was a White Career Criminal

Originally published at: Texas Church Shooter Was a White Career Criminal | Infostormer.com

A White man named Keith Kinnunen with a long criminal past was responsible for the recent Texas church shooting.

It is insane that this man was walking around free considering his background. It once again shows how ineffective and retarded our so-called justice system is.

But the most interesting aspect of this story is the fact that he was taken down by an armed man who the church allowed to operate as their security team.

This narrative spun by the Jew-left claiming that there’s no such thing as a good guy with a gun is totally false. The man who took down this shooter saved many lives because he was armed. But you won’t hear all that much about this aspect of the story from the Jew-run press. They’ll briefly mention it and then move on to other stories that advance Jewish interests.