Tesla Stock S&P 500's Worst Performer of 2024 So Far

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/tesla-stock-sp-500s-worst-performer-of-2024-so-far/

The homosexual electric vehicle scam industry is running into some serious problems. People are not buying these expensively gay contraptions that are helping ruin the environment. The fact that Tesla’s stock has been the worst performing stock of the S&P 500 is just another indicator of this fact.

Tesla's stock slump makes it the S&P 500's worst performer this year, beating out troubled Boeing, in what's looking like a rather unmagnificent quarter for Musk's EV maker, @liamdenning says https://t.co/jVgLrNPQ0h via @opinion

— Bloomberg (@business) March 14, 2024

The entire EV push was only possible in an environment of decadence and abundance. Now that the economy is collapsing, this scam industry can’t sustain itself. It was always propped up by government subsidies justified through the climate change hoax. In many ways the EV industry has been a hoax built on top of another hoax.

I do not recommend owning a Tesla automobile or its stock. If you own either, there is a very good chance that you are a faggot with various sexual impairments.


the people who paid big bucks for these rolling firebombs must feel really really stupid. They could have bought a nice fuel efficient Toyota for 1/3 the price that won’t burn their house down.

Musk is a conman.

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