Teen who beat teacher's aide files lawsuit blaming the school

" Depa’s attorneys, Stephanie Langer and Maria Cammarata, placed the blame on Naydich herself, who suffered five broken ribs, a concussion and hearing loss."

“‘As a large black male student, he is subjected to misperceptions and racism,’ it reads.”
Misperceptions… got that?


how did this savage find two attorneys to take this case pro-bono? good, God… It’s hard to find an attorney PERIOD let alone one who will file a bogus lawsuit for you and not charge you… No doubt the shitbag attorneys contacted him/her (whatever) . This crap can only happen in a Democracy.


“Yo honor, da school wrecked my hands and feet. I wuz doing my studies, diligently, I may add, per se, yo honor.
An’ dis aide walks up all in
My face an’ called me da n-word. I don’t want to say da axual word, yo honor, cuz it’s too offensive and hurtful.
Ize defended myself against da aides rage an i dids what I had to do”.

“Would the bailiff please go over and remove the shackles from this poor man? Don’t you know a victim when you see one”?!

“Would you like me to get him something, perhaps something to eat and drink”?

“Of course! Get him whatever he wants. And give him a ride home when I let him go in about an hour, okay”.

“He is asking for some crack, Judge”.

“I’m sure there is some over in the evidence room. By all means, get him what he wants or needs. And quickly, too. I don’t want him to sue this court for wasting his time”.


This lil’ thug needs to be placed in the school of hard knocks, where he is sure to learn at least some form of life lesson.
Just skip the formalities now and make it a life sentence, since he will surely kill someone if he remains on the streets for too much longer


Probably a Marxist attorney. Like the DA who would let him go free, and will, if this attorney can pull off a big time courtroom kike job:


This is what comes of bringing these feral creatures into a setting that is even remotely civilized.


He’s going to be a career criminal but use his mental handicap and discrimination to get him out of trouble.


My understanding is this beast was adopted by White parents and grew too large, stupid and violent for them to handle:

Depa has a history of ‘trauma and mental health issues,’ noting that he was sent to a residential program for stabilization and spent nearly a full year in a placement that provided 24/7 supervision

He was in a group home that sent him to a regular school when he should have been placed in a locked-down psychiatric institute.

IMO, he should be put down, the sooner the better.


Shit! Almost all inner city undisciplined kids could make a claim for mental illness.
That’s exactly what they have:
Mostly from poor upbringing:
Letting them out of jail free won’t make them any less destructive.
They should at least force them Through a mental health program if that’s going to be their excuse.

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The teachers aide needs to counter sue the parents, the school , and the fuckin’ DA who wouldn’t press charges on him because of Raycissness.

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Can’t bring a cavemen into a silicon world…


The more crazy this gets the more it will snap wealthy white cucks out of their comfortable illusions. Imagine if decades ago someone had started a program of putting these blacks into the homes of wealthy whites. Whites would have paid for it. It would have given them a dose of reality and they wouldn’t have been allowed to talk about being brutalised.


At least not without thawing them out properly in a lengthy process.


In a Democracy all sub-human life is precious, Mister and don’t you forget it.