Taiwan's Cunt Leader to Extend Military Conscription

Originally published at: Taiwan’s Cunt Leader to Extend Military Conscription | Infostormer.com

The ZOG puppet cunt leader of Taiwan’s fake government just announced a plan to extend compulsory military conscription to one year.

Taiwan will announce a plan to extend compulsory military service to one year from the current four months, according to a senior government official, as the island deals with rising Chinese military pressure. | @Reuters https://t.co/jekLFwnF4t

— Inquirer (@inquirerdotnet) December 27, 2022

This is so dumb.

Do they think they can actually defeat China in a war? They are on an island. China has over a billion people on the mainland and can just do a full naval blockade so nothing comes in and nothing goes out. They’ve demonstrated this capacity in drills already.

I’m surprised China hasn’t just invaded yet, but it might not even be necessary for them to do so. The Taiwanese people are increasingly supporting the KMT party which wants to reunify with China and avoid a war.

Taiwan has always been a part of China. The majority of the world recognizes Taiwan as Chinese territory, so this whole situation is totally unnecessary and ridiculous. It’s another stupid conflict that is being agitated by the morons in Washington DC.


sure but there’s a huge gulf in the cultures and prosperity between mainland China and Taiwan. The Chinese Gov has gone beyond Commie to completely insane. They’re still doing mass Covid lockdowns and you have to get permission to own a car. If I were in Taiwan I’d fight before submitting to that crap. Also, the USA might fully support Taiwan with aircraft carriers and air support so it’s dicey for China to invade. a naval blockade would be challenged by US warships.

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