Switzerland Votes to Ban the Burka

Originally published at: Switzerland Votes to Ban the Burka | Infostormer.com

Switzerland has decided to ban the burka.

NEW – Switzerland is projected to have voted in favor of banning face coverings in public, including the burka or niqab worn by Muslim women, following a nationwide referendum. pic.twitter.com/Vfl1cNZQWh

— Disclose.tv 🚨 (@disclosetv) March 7, 2021

This is dumb.

Why would you allow a group of people who are alien to your way of life come into your country then vote to ban a piece of clothing they wear? All this will do is antagonize them.

Would it not be more practical to just ban these people completely? And aren’t the Swiss still mandating that people wear face diapers to prevent the flu?


What’s the difference between those gay face diapers and the face coverings Moslem women wear? Seems like they’re pretty similar if you ask me.

So gay. I don’t get it.

Can we implement some real solutions to real problems finally? Or is that just too much to ask?


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