Sweden: Sex Without Explicit Consent is Now Considered Rape

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/sweden-sex-without-explicit-consent-is-now-considered-rape/

Sweden is a textbook example of what happens to a society when feminism is allowed to run rampant. They’ve just passed a ridiculous new anti-rape law that will only serve to empower women to falsely accuse men and specifically White men of rape.


A tough new law that will recognise sex without explicit consent as rape comes into effect in Sweden on Sunday, after the country was rocked by the #MeToo movement denouncing sexual harassment and assault.

The law stipulates that a person has committed rape if they have been part of a sexual act in which the other person has not participated "freely".

Rape had previously been defined as a sexual act carried out with the use of violence or threat.

Now for someone to face rape charges, "it is no longer necessary that violence or threats were applied, or that the aggressor took advantage of the victim's particularly vulnerable situation," according to the government.

Courts will need to pay particular attention to whether consent was expressed with words, gestures or in another manner, and judges will have to rule on the issue, according to the law passed in May.

Judge Anna Hannell, who helped create the law, said there was "absolutely no requirement to formally say 'yes', to hit a button in an app or anything else of the same type".

"Simply participating physically is a sign of consent," she told Swedish news agency TT.

More than 7,000 rapes were reported in Sweden last year, a 10 percent increase compared to 2016, latest official figures show.

Big shocker that some stupid bitch judge came up with this retarded law. What a disaster this is. Women who have consensual sex with a man and later regret the decision can now cry rape and ruin the man's life. From there you have a she said he said situation in which the judge is more often than not going to side with the woman.


It is true that rape is a problem in Sweden but this is a direct cause of all the Moslems and third world subhumans that have been let in. The problem of rape can be solved by removing the brown sludge in the country. This is not a complicated situation.

The Swedish police can’t even cope with the amount of legitimate rape cases in the country. A law like this is counterproductive to solving the rape problem. It means that legitimate rape cases will have a less likely chance of getting dealt with.

This shows yet again that feminism is nothing more than an ideology of anti-White male hatred. Feminists push for stupid anti-rape laws that criminalize consensual sex while letting brown monkeys gang rape women everywhere. This type of situation is only designed to harm White men.

The good news is that the Sweden Democrats a soft nationalist party has been rapidly rising in the polls. They could net the largest number of votes in the next election. Hopefully they can remove all the ape hordes, put these stupid women in their place and make Sweden great again.


I’m sure that doesn’t apply to (((Asin children)))



At the risk of being regarded as a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy freak,this factor might have contributed greatly to the passing of this legislation.

It’s intergenerational warfare. Make the indigenous women of a territory a high risk proposition for the indigenous men,and all you have to do is wait 20 years. The women will mate with the invaders,the offspring of the unions will be either outright hostile to the former indigenous tribe,or neutral,in any conflicts.

And if done somewhat carefully,all of this happens without a shot being fired.


Of course not! That would be racist!