Sweden Reportedly May Deploy Military to Purge Invaders

Originally published at: Sweden Reportedly May Deploy Military to Purge Invaders | Infostormer.com

Sweden recently installed a moderate right-wing government and it looks as if they are finally going to take some serious action against the Moslem invaders. They are looking at potentially using the military to help police deal with the various no-go zones that are scattered around the country.

Sweden calls on military to assist police in fighting gangs https://t.co/uxloALHND3 pic.twitter.com/VLpEeCMb09

— Reuters (@Reuters) September 29, 2023

Sweden Turns To Military For Help Amid Daily Shootings, Bombings In Migrant Gangland Chaos https://t.co/DPQYjRFSgH

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) September 30, 2023

There is now 30 000 people involved with the criminal gangs in Sweden.

We have 61 no-go zones.

Police warned that it hasn't been this dangerous since 1945.

Sweden will deploy the military to assist police with stopping the gangs.

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) September 30, 2023

The solution to this problem is very simple. There just has been a total lack of political will to execute on it.

All they have to do is order the police and military to round up all Moslems and send them back to where they came from. If the invaders don’t cooperate, they should be shot with bullets drenched in pigs blood.


I think Sweden’s ZOG is just discussing the possibility of using the military in combating nigger gangs in high crime areas. In other words nothing will be done about eliminating the problem.

In the 60s there was a lot of talk in the West about a “population bomb” that would soon explode in the third world. But then for some reason that issue was quietly dropped in the 70s, probably because the “elites” decided to use surplus black and brown populations as a bio-weapon against majority White countries.

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