Straight Pride Parade Attacked by Anti-Heterosexual Terrorists

Originally published at: Straight Pride Parade Attacked by Anti-Heterosexual Terrorists |

A straight pride parade held in Boston was attacked by hateful anti-heterosexual terrorists who chanted “Boston hates you” to the parade attendees. There’s numerous videos on YouTube and Twitter showing this type of hate speech being directed at the straight pride rally goers.


More than 30 people were arrested and four police officers were injured as counterprotesters faced off with the “Straight Pride Parade” as it marched to City Hall for a rally Saturday.

Members of the parade said they were supporting freedom of speech and their sexuality.

“It’s great to be straight, straight pride,” said Teresa Richenberger.

“All these protesters … this is their right, but it’s my right to be here too,” said Marvina Case.

But counterprotesters, who greatly outnumbered the marchers, said the parade was offensive.

“By attempting to organize a Straight Pride Parade people are just trying to make fun of or ignore the very, very real oppression that LGBTQ+ people have gone through,” said Gina Rose.

Boston police said 36 people were arrested and four officers were injured.

Yeah, so the people who claim to be against hate are telling these parade attendees that the entire city hates them.

While I’m supportive of activism that promotes the rights of straight people, this parade was pretty goofy. There were people in it flying Israeli flags, MILO was featured in the parade and the parade organizer went out of his way to say that the rally had nothing to do with race.

They should be free to hold their rally without being harassed by these hateful terrorists, but the rally could have really done without all this extraneous stuff attached to it.


They were successful in triggering the fags so that’s positive.


How about a white pride parade instead?



Grandma is that you.


AOC was calling out Alt-Right women for not being there. I apologize for the lack of Frauenwaffen. This seemed like a Bean town man thing and my staff and I were too busy with this Danzig anniversary thing. Our campaign to get shampoo for Antifa is almost complete. Looking to opening up free salons soon.


Why a white pride parade?! But but that would be racist! LMAO.


Oy vey…this video reminds me of the time my great grandfather Dr Philanthropist philosophist anthropologist Rabbi Mortimer $hekelsbergersmansteinowitz was gassed six million dozen times in the wooden door covered gas shower ovens at Auschwitz.
He was horribly starved of his usual diet of gentile children’s blood and infant foreskins.
He was also jerked off to near death bazillions of times in evil natzeee masturbation machines of death.
He was only 6 when she died.


Aren’t you glad we live in a democracy with equal rights for everyone?


Jews and niggers sure love butt stuff.