Steven Crowder Says Leaked Video of Him Was Taken Out of Context

Originally published at: Steven Crowder Says Leaked Video of Him Was Taken Out of Context |

Steven Crowder who has been under attack by the Jewish Daily Wire operation and other bad actors over his personal divorce situation issued a statement about it yesterday afternoon. He said that the hidden camera footage of him arguing with his whore wife that was leaked on to the Internet was an edited hoax and taken out of context. He also said that he would push to get all sorts of materials about his slut wife released to the public.

My statement.

— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) April 28, 2023

This is basically what I said about the video previously.

As I’ve said before, I have serious questions about Crowder’s sexuality and I am not a big fan of his content, but these attacks against him are disgusting and totally unwarranted.

Candace Owens literally called him a “monster” over the leaked video even though the video shows that he was having a simple couple’s argument with his wife. We also don’t know exactly what his wife was doing prior to them having that argument. It seems to me that she was purposefully being difficult in order to make him angry so she could secretly record him in a bad light.

Steven Crowder is a monster – change my mind.

— Candace Owens Podcast (@candaceowenspod) April 27, 2023

For Owens to conclude that he is a “monster” based on this footage indicates that Owens is biased and is deliberately going out of her way to destroy Crowder despite the facts of the situation.

I have no doubt that Owens was either ordered by or at least consulted with the Jew Ben Shapiro before putting this video out. Crowder previously embarrassed the Daily Wire by exposing their disreputable Jew business practices, so it is pretty clear that this is an act of retribution. They had Owens do a video so she could get a bunch of angry and dangerous sluts mad at Crowder.

As far as I’m concerned, anybody who sides against Crowder on this is a ridiculous faggot. The divorce industry has destroyed the lives of countless men and to attack someone by using their personal divorce as a weapon is sick and depraved.

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Owens is a grifter and a fraud. She hates Whitey but she also realized by pretending to be a “conservative” there is money to be made from her jew friends in the media and Shapiro.

The Negress is married to some White cuck which I’m sure she walks all over and orders him around like a slave.

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he’s a goofy, White nerd.


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