Steve Bannon Tells Ethno-Nationalists to "Go Fuck Themselves"

Originally published at: Steve Bannon Tells Ethno-Nationalists to “Go Fuck Themselves” |

Steve Bannon recently said that ethno-nationalists are “irrelevant” and that they can “go fuck themselves.”

He said this during an interview with Mike Cernovich.

Bannon has really gone off the rails. This man was hailed as a key architect of Donald Trump’s 2016 election win just two short years ago. Now he’s doing interviews with the likes of Cernovich and other YouTube e-celebs in a desperate attempt to cling on to relevance.

So no Steve, ethno-nationalism is not irrelevant, you are irrelevant. And fuck you for telling me to go fuck myself.

This guy has been one disaster after another since Trump won the White House. His political brand has become increasingly cancerous.

He got fired from the White House as Trump’s top political strategist only months into the job.

After leaving the White House, he returned to Breitbart. But he was forced out of Breitbart after it was revealed that he invited a Jew into the White House who ultimately wrote a negative book about the Trump administration.

He was a key player involved with Roy Moore’s Senate campaign in Alabama which led to Republicans losing the seat.

And most recently, he held an event in Kansas where he was only able to draw 25 people. Other reports have said that it was 17 people.

And fuck, I’m not even sure what the hell he was doing over in Europe, but whatever he was doing it wasn’t good.

It’s hard to say what is going on with this guy. Maybe he’s been paid off to sabotage shit or he’s developed an incurable case of alcoholism.

Either way, he’s become a net negative to our efforts, especially when he’s saying things like this.

Boomers like Bannon are deathly afraid of being called “racists” which is why he is pushing this “economic nationalism” horse shit or whatever he’s calling it.

The fact of the matter is that the term “nation” has always been connected to race. The two terms are synonymous with one another and can’t be separated. People who say otherwise are being intellectually dishonest.

Unlike Bannon, Trump defines himself as a “nationalist” citing his desire to do what’s best for America. And since his base is mostly patriotic White people, he is attempting to act in their best interest. Trump might not come out and proclaim himself an ethno-nationalist, but the way he defines himself is far more useful than how Bannon has chosen to define himself.

Point blank, the only way the United States of America can survive into the future is if the White people who have built and maintained this country sustain themselves as the majority demographic. This is not an irrelevant concept. It is actually the most relevant concept to the future of America as a nation.


Bannon has pickled his brain with alcohol


yeah, a Jew Grandbaby Nationalist… he said that to shore his base of support for the mid-terms. although it was nice to hear coming from a sitting president, from it i derived no solace.

Bannon is a FAT, UGLY POS who’s a supporter of Mueller’s attempts to bring down Trump. the guy is the white equivalent of MORON, Kayne West and can’t be trusted to not do a traitorous flip-flop during a political climate-change.

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Those Babby Boomers have been a pain in the ass since Day One. Generation Zyklon will deal with 'em and clean up the mess they made. After they get off their smart-phones, I mean. OK, this might take a while…




Once again, Smoloko nails it!



What does this mope think has the real future here? Ethnopatriotism, or whatever pseudo-nat bullshit Bannon is peddling on whatever streetcorner he’s at?

Blood and soil, Bannon. Repeat it until it sinks in.


Bannon’s latest project is trying to centralize European nationalist movements into something he calls “The Movement” which will be under the thumb of an obscure Belgian Jewish lawyer known for fighting anti-Semitism whose political party has virtually no power


yes, and remember too that Bannon publicly stated that Muller is a good man and the investigation is legit. you’d expect this kind of backstabbing from a jilted whore and this is to what Bannon has devolved. he’s a fat, ugly, herniated, jilted whore attacking his old friends like a dumped bitch, trying to hijack the white nationalist movement and turn it over to jew-filth.


Treachery and betrayal are most unattractive traits.


Scottie Spencer’s website has been removed and sent to the wooden gas showers.

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“Almost everybody is against this,” Collepardo Mayor Mauro Bussiglieri said. “Citizens are having a hard time understanding that the [monastery] is going to be a place where future politicians are going to be trained. They keep looking at it as a religious place, and that’s it.”

Others have taken issue with the process that awarded the property to Harnwell’s think tank, which says it defends the “Judeo-Christian values” of Western civilization, or said that the monastery doesn’t feel as much a part of the community as it used to. One resident was reluctant to give his name for fear of causing tension with his new neighbors but said that Bannon had “dubious attitudes.”

Harnwell sees the monastery school as one of Bannon’s “legacy projects.” They talk regularly. And when Bannon visits Rome, the two try to spend at least one day together, renting a hotel suite for meetings they host.

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Bannon is a media operator. He markets controversy, similar to Dinesh D’Souza, good old fashion mudrakers…

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Bannons treachery sheds light on Trump. Bannon is a mercenary and makes his money selling controversy. No doubt he is being paid to damage the white races credibility…

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