Stefan Molyneux Distances From Groypers Because of "Muh Holocaust"

Originally published at: Stefan Molyneux Distances From Groypers Because of “Muh Holocaust” |

Stefan Molyneux who recently supported ZOG’s attempts to overthrow the Iranian government, is distancing himself from the groyper army because of “muh Holocaust.”

I oppose making light of the Holocaust.

I oppose arguments for ethnic cleansing.

I oppose support for Nazism, fascism and communism.

I oppose ALL aggression and violence, esp against kids.

I stand for free speech, free will, private property and the non-aggression principle.

— Stefan Molyneux (@StefanMolyneux) November 19, 2019

He says he stands for free speech but opposes people making fun of a fictional historical event. Well, if he was really for free speech he wouldn’t give a shit if somebody makes fun of a fictional historical event.

He also apparently unfollowed Nick Fuentes on Twitter because Fuentes made a cookie joke on his show.

For all of this man’s pseudo-intellectual babble, he sure is a hypocrite.

Clearly, he’s afraid of getting thrown off of social media and losing shekels. That’s what this boils down to.


i do too, but i support being able to question it and investigate it like all other historical events


The only real Holocausts were the fire bombing of Dresden, Hamburg, and about two dozen other German cities; fire bombing of Tokyo, other Japanese cities and the the dropping of atom bombs.


I never did like Stefan Molyneux. He babbles on for a long time and basically says nothing of any substance. Alt-lite at best.

But check out what that idiotic Liberal run Wikipedia says about him:

“Stefan Basil Molyneux is a far-right, white nationalist Canadian podcaster and YouTuber who is known for his promotion of scientific racism and white supremacist views.” —Wikipedia

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I’ve never been a fan either. I have no idea why anybody pays attention to the bullshit he babbles about. Especially when he puts out nonsense like this on his Twitter feed.

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