Starbucks Kike Says Global Warming Threatens Coffee Quality

Originally published at: Starbucks Kike Says Global Warming Threatens Coffee Quality |

It looks as if the outgoing top kike at Starbucks Howard Schultz is coming up with an interesting excuse to explain why his coffee will continue to taste like liquid shit.


Howard Schultz wants to know if I drink coffee. The Starbucks boss is sitting on a balcony overlooking the company’s leafy farm in the Costa Rican province of Alajuela, where I’m told the coffee–harvested and roasted on-site–is a must-try. Like more than 60% of Americans, I drink coffee at least once a day, and sometimes I indulge twice or even three times. The Costa Rican blend Schultz pours me has a special taste that mixes citrus and chocolate flavors.

But the future of my cup of Costa Rican Arabica is not guaranteed, Schultz says. After nearly four decades at Starbucks, he is leaving at the end of June, and in the role of executive chairman for almost 15 months, he has been looking past Starbucks’ day-to-day operations to its long-term challenges and opportunities. Climate change ranks high among them. As temperatures rise and droughts intensify, good coffee will become increasingly difficult to grow and expensive to buy. Since governments are reacting slowly to the problem, companies like Starbucks have stepped in to save themselves, reaching to the bottom of their supply chains to ensure reliable access to their product. “Make no mistake,” Schultz tells me, “climate change is going to play a bigger role in affecting the quality and integrity of coffee.”

So he's telling us that global warming is going to seriously fuck up the quality of coffee. Well, based on how Starbucks coffee tastes, I'd say that the quality of it is already fucked up. The coffee served at places like McDonald's and Dunkin Donuts definitely tastes better and it costs less. Starbucks coffee has a burnt taste to it.

But come on, trying to claim that global warming is going to screw with coffee is the most insane thing imaginable. Global warming is a hoax and all the dire predictions surrounding it have been wrong. There were people claiming decades ago that the polar ice caps were going to rapidly melt and cities would be under water from rising ocean levels. None of this has happened or is even close to happening.

Take for example some of the shit Al Gore said.

Global warming has been an enormous scam used to justify all sorts of ridiculous agendas like carbon taxes etc… It’s not a real thing. And if people were really concerned about it, why are there still people buying ocean front properties? Why can you still get long term mortgages from banks to buy properties near oceans?

But let’s assume for a moment that global warming is a real thing. There would be some benefits to the warming. You’d be able to grow crops in places that were previously frozen wastelands. And if you couldn’t grow coffee in a place like Costa Rica because of droughts, you’d simply be able to grow it in other areas.

This whole thing is very stupid. It’s clearly one of the most retarded hoaxes of all time.

Dan Pena provided the best explanation of the situation I have ever seen.