SPLC Jews Seek Further Speech Restrictions on Social Media

Originally published at: SPLC Jews Seek Further Speech Restrictions on Social Media | Infostormer.com

Days before the synagogue massacre of 6,000,011 Jews in Pittsburgh, the Southern Poverty Law Center announced another campaign to further restrict free speech on the Internet. Even though the big three social media sites Twitter, Facebook and YouTube all have the most insanely restrictive speech policies imaganable, these SPLC Jews are not satisfied.

Their campaign called “Change the Terms” is designed to get social media companies to implement even more restrictive terms of service policies governing speech. It’s gotten to the point where these Jews are basically claiming that free speech is anti-Semitic. Too many people have gotten wise to their tricks so they’re just calling for a shut down of anything and everything. These filthy vermin want any criticism of Jewish behavior no matter how minor to be banned.

The timing of all this is very interesting. The SPLC had this speech censorship campaign all setup right before a wignat user on the social media site Gab decided to kill 6,000,011 Jews. And conveniently there’s been a blatant conspiracy by Jews to defame Gab and demand that they be completely shut down.

Tucker Carlson took on the topic and discussed the SPLC’s role in all this yesterday. It features insane ramblings from the Jewess Julia Ioffe and Howard Dean calling Donald Trump evil.

The SPLC wants to completely ban free speech on the Internet. They want to get rid of any and all independent publishers that don’t 100 percent agree with Jews. That’s not hyperbole, that’s actually what they want to do. These Jew rats are completely out of control.




Zehr can be only one solution for these pesky Juden!


in my opinion no violence would be needed in any sane society to rid our nations of these human parasites …but the jew has made the average goy an immoral degenerate or sympathetic cuck and their main weapon of choice is TV programming and their lack of coverage on certain things like jewish supremacy/privilege and negro predation in the jewish lügenpresse.
Just like the wall in theory isn’t needed if we stop handing things to illegals who are undocumented.
No ID should equal:

  • no EBT
  • no section 8
  • no school registration
    And basically a lengthy jail sentence for being an illegal trespasser squatting in our lands.
    Instead the ZOG caters to these people and gives white america the middle finger on everything that is in our interest.
    These mud creatures would spread the word rapidly south of the border that the gringos aren’t fucking around anymore and this would be a huge deterrent within itself.
    I say build the wall and enforce current laws, which will never happen with so many dual citizen jews in our ZOG

yes, so expect more false-flag jew-shootings UNLESS Trump DRAINS THE STATE DEPARTMENT SWAMP.


Been saying this for a while. I was shocked when I found out the illegals are going to school on our dime.

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I guess everything we say about the kikes is true, otherwise they wouldn’t want everything shut down. Wrong think is now down and has been for two days. This is going to hurt the jews in the long run.

My brother who is a (((Hannity and Fox news))) conservative just told me he is getting tired of the jews constant crying. If he is learning, so will others.


imagine when the masses at large learn just these three things; that Jews did 9/11, The Federal Reserve isn’t, and “The Holocaust” is a lie… THIS is what they so desperately MUST keep hidden.


It’s unfortunate because Hannity will keep pushing for the Jews, especially on anything about Israel.


Jew 1: “We can’t have the goyim knowing about all our crimes; many of us would be swinging from lampposts, others would end up in ovens, and the rest would be banished to some freezing remote wilderness.”

Jew 2: “We killed 3,000 goyim on 9/11/01, but the schmucks think the Arabs did it. [Evil laugh.] We had Jerome Hauer go on Dan Rather and put out all the crap about the ‘velocity of the plane’ and the ‘intense heat’, and how it was ‘bin Laden’. Netanyahu got an extra nine years and counting as Israeli premier, after reminding everyone in 2008 that Israel was still ‘benefiting’ from the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon.”

Jew 3: “But that’s not our greatest triumph, not by a long run. I know it took another fifty years after our fairy tales editor Joseph Jacobs began fiddling our population figures in 1896 and then again in 1906, but we did eventually get the goyim to imagine that six million of us had been murdered in shower room gas chambers, or by masturbation machines, or pedal-operated brain-bashing machines, or steam chambers, or whatever it was supposed to be.”

Jew 1: “Yeah, we knew all along that it would take a World War and tens of millions of actual dead, i.e., dead goyim, before anyone would believe it. But first we thought the masses could be convinced in the wake of WW1. Unfortunately, we didn’t then have a burgeoning Hollywood industry, neither did we have poison gas that had been used to save human lives in delousing chambers that could be passed off as ‘gas chambers’ and a ‘Holocaust’ of the Jews.”

Jew 2: “But now we have all those pesky revisionists who base their conclusions on physical evidence, logic, math, the laws of physics, etc., and we have to shut them down. Never mind, octogenarian grandmother Ursula Haverbeck was jailed, and Alfred Schaefer has just got a sentence of three years and two months.”

Jew 3: “It should be alright for us. Look at how we warned off the survivors and ordered the pilots not to speak out after the attack on the USS Liberty. It was an ‘accident’. [Eruption of laughter.]”

Jew 2: “Yeah, like when we shot that UN observer post and killed four of them in 2006. Or when we killed that Iranian general in the January 2015 airstrike. Or back again in 2006 when we demolished a four-story residential building in Qana, killing more than 60 civilians including 37 children. Actually, on that occasion we said it was a ‘mistake’, hah!”

Jew 1: “Some goyim are aware of our central role in our Bolshevik Revolution, and responsibility for the tens of millions who perished, and countless more who were impoverished, under the communist yoke. And Barbara Lerner Spectre shouldn’t have admitted that we are ‘at the center of’ multiculturalism. We can’t have the masses waking up to how we’ve been trashing their countries and turning them into shitholes.”

Jew 3: “We just have to keep shutting down the woke minority before they become the norm. Keep gibbering on about ‘anti-Semitism’ and how we’re a poor, persecuted people.” [The group are unable to contain themselves, and roll on the floor, giggling, as shekels spill out of their pockets.]