South Africa Votes to Seize Farm Land From Whites

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The South African parliament has just voted to seize farm land from Whites without compensation. This same type of policy was implemented in Zimbabwe and it was a disaster. The niggers they handed the land over to did nothing productive with it and you had an economic collapse.

News 24:

SOUTH Africa’s parliament has voted in favour of a motion that will begin the process of amending the country’s Constitution to allow for the confiscation of white-owned land without compensation.

The motion was brought by Julius Malema, leader of the radical Marxist opposition party the Economic Freedom Fighters, and passed overwhelmingly by 241 votes to 83 against. The only parties who did not support the motion were the Democratic Alliance, Freedom Front Plus, Cope and the African Christian Democratic Party.

It was amended but supported by the ruling African National Congress and new president Cyril Ramaphosa, who made land expropriation a key pillar of his policy platform after taking over from ousted PM Jacob Zuma earlier this month.

“The time for reconciliation is over. Now is the time for justice,” Mr Malema was quoted by News24 as telling parliament. “We must ensure that we restore the dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land.”

Stole their land? Everything of substance that has been built in South Africa was done so by White settlers. Specifically the Dutch and the British. Here you have a bunch of niggers voting to steal land from Whites and claiming that the rightful owners of the property are the criminals. It’s a ridiculous situation.

But this is what you get when you let a group of low IQ niggers run a country. Fairness and justice are alien concepts to these savages. And hell, under their watch Cape Town one of South Africa’s largest cities is on track to run out of water soon.

This whole idea of a “Rainbow Nation” and all this happy horse shit we heard about in the 1990s was a joke. The White minority that is there should take up arms and wage war against these vile niggers if they try to seize their land.


This dopey loud-mouth communist coon is the living example of everything that is wrong with South Africa. His Jewish handlers have a useful Idiot in Julius Malema, they play him like a fiddle, he and his party are well named, they are always fighting against South Africa’s freedom and economy. All Bantu know that the Boers were in South Africa long before them (but not before the Khoisan who don’t like the Bantu either). Someone should tell him to go after the Diamond mines, they make a lot more money than the farmers and it would also sort out the South African Jews at the same time.

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This is an open declaration of war – a war of racial extermination.


I’m still trying to figure out why the zhids destroyed South Africa. It was-by all accounts-a pretty decent place with a standard of living that was in many respects better than what could be expected in Europe and North America.

Did they do it because they wanted to prove to the rest of the world that they could do it? Did they destroy it because they couldn’t not destroy it? Did they wreck the place because they’re playing a Long Game,and fully intend to return as effendi,once the niggers have eaten the remaining White people,all the crops,and each other?

I really have no idea why.

@somedaysoon Why did the poison snake bite the kindly woman who nursed it back to health? Why did the scorpion sting the frog that was carrying it across the river? Because that’s what poison snakes and scorpions do. :snake::scorpion::six_pointed_star:


I hope the natives will not be receiving food and other assistance when they are unable to keep the farms in operation.


Lauren southern is doing a documentary on South African farmers. And she’s cute. Check her out on Jewtube. I heard that maybe she’s a kike but I don’t think so. Too pretty to be a kike.

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@BasedBemidji There are persistent rumors that she is a mischling…hard to say, though. Gweneth Paltrow and Alicia Silverstone are for sure.

For the most part I think I am talking to the choir here, right?

On an aside, whites are banned from getting work in S.A. in many places too.

I know exactly why
—they— are doing this, it is systematic ‘genocide’ on all white European nations and peoples. Look at Europe being invaded, it is happening ‘subversively’ all over the U.S. The media being completely owned will not tell you about any of it, but ‘white wash’ haha it. How come you didn’t hear about the 70,000 or more whites farmers in S.A. who have been tortured and murdered. Like 1 every 17 minutes. Can’t you see all around you the propaganda in all media and Hollywood.
TV today looks like I live in Africa almost, the majority of commercials, many shows today, movies. It is a systematic decimation of the white race. Harder and harder for the white man to get a job even here in America. I could go on and on, but I won’t.
Twitter, Facebook, Youtube bans more and more of these accounts trying to expose this. Whites are being deleted. I sure hope enough people wake up to this to stop it. Bill in Congress to ‘stop the hate speech’ of so called white supremecists, just calling for supporting your own ‘culture and race’.
This is very hard to wrap your head around, I know.
Statistic I saw: White population 25% after WW2, today 8%. So you tell me? is a great informational site. He has may guest talking about this and the invasion happening under our noses in the U.S.

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