Sorority Girl Thrown Out of School for Saying the Nigger Word

Originally published at: Sorority Girl Thrown Out of School for Saying the Nigger Word |

Oh my god! A White girl said the nigger word and because of that she got thrown out of school.

It’s even made the news!

NY Post:

A student at the University of Alabama has been expelled from the school and kicked out of a sorority after she posted racist videos on social media in which she repeatedly used the n-word.

Harley Barber, a 19-year-old New Jersey native, identified herself on Instagram as a member of the Alpha Phi sorority at the university in Tuscaloosa, where officials are now investigating the “ignorant and disturbing” remarks, reports.

“These remarks are ignorant and disturbing and in no way reflect the values of The University of Alabama,” university spokesman Chris Bryant said in a statement. “This unfortunate behavior has been reported to the Office of Student Conduct as it does not align with the community expectations of students at the Capstone.”

Barber has since said she’s received threatening phone calls over her remarks and apologized.

“I feel horrible,” she said. “I feel so, so bad and I am so sorry.”

There was no need to apologize. Freedom is the freedom to say the nigger word.

And lol at the University of Alabama’s President issuing a lengthy statement about this. She should sue the school for what they did.

While this girl may look like a trashy extra from Jersey Shore, I fully support her right to say the nigger word all she wants. I also support her right to express her hatred of niggers.

If some fat monkey bitch ranted on a YouTube video calling White people crackers and other racial slurs we all know nothing would have happened to them. This type of thing only happens when a White person says something mean about non-Whites.

This deranged societal trend needs to be reversed. It is one of the main reasons why I frequently use racial slurs on this site. Political correctness needs to be destroyed otherwise nothing will change.

And that’s why I’ll say nigger as much as I want. And guess what? There is nothing any of you kikes and niggers can do about it!



We all know if it was a nigger who made a video calling whites honky, cracker, white devil or assortment of other names, the school would defend her right of free speech. But since she was white, the coward school administrators have to pretend they are outraged. Enjoy your white privilege and your right to free speech.


A day without saying ‘Nigger’ is a day wasted.


Hopefully that White girl will now forget about college and focus on finding a decent White guy to marry her and have White children with. Those jew-run schools are wasting the lives and finances of millions of young adults who should be spending their college years working, starting families and buying homes.


The new privilege is being not white. What Fucked up country do we live in that a sorority girl can’t have a drunk rant? Obviously something happened before her tirade. I am tolerant to all but when shit happens I will make David Duke blush.


People curse God and Jesus 24/7/365 and nobody so much as blinks. But say “nigger” and the blacks are foaming-at-the-mouth and shrieking. Blacks think they are sacrosanct. I’ll be damned if I’m going to be dictated to by a bunch of chimps as to what I can or cannot say. They get away with calling whites everything under the sun and walk away all cocky and smug. I don’t think so.

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I love triggering NIGGERS !!!

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@Steve Unfortunately I can’t provoke the coloreds on Gab the way I did on Twitter because Gab doesn’t have any Coon Town.:confused:

Somebody should tell her to get a fucking avatar. Lol