Solar Eclipse Across America Proves to Be a Non-Event

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Yesterday’s solar eclipse across America was for the most part a non-event. There were no acts of terrorism, no extradimensional portals being opened, no pre-tribulation rapture events etc.. This despite the CERN people firing up their supercollider and Jews doing some weird cow slaughter ritual. It just resulted in increased levels of traffic and some minor chaos around the path of totality.

I personally drove around three hours to get into the path of totality to check it out. I was in an area that had generally clear skies so I had a chance to get what I would consider to be the full total eclipse experience.

I am very glad I had a chance to experience it due to its rarity. One less item on my bucket list. It was a somewhat eerie but profound experience.

Just the fact that a natural event like this even happens, reaffirms my belief that the world we live in is not the result of some accident. It is more evidence that the world we live in is the result of intelligent design by a creator.


We had 46% in So Cal - so not a big deal, I didn’t notice any darkening the few minutes it lasted.

A family member took these in Greenville, TX:

What upstate Pennsylvania got:


A wise man once said it: “nothing ever happens”

It was cool to see tho.

oh no… The Rapture happened and we’re all stuck in, Hell.


I didn’t notice anything unusual. I want my money back!

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Penn State got the old Cloud Eclipse of the sun, huh? It seems that place lives on in perpetual darkness, with added help from a good sized Negroid populus. I wish there were special glasses to block Them out. (here we did t get much of a noticeable eclipse, just, well, about the equivalent of Or. States clouds, as the sky darkened to about cloudy levels of shade… Nothing spectacular about it at all.
My son is living over there right now with his girlfriend while she wraps up her education at Penn State U.
I can’t boast that where he (and myself) are from is exactly “better” than Pennsylvania—- in some ways, Mexifornia might be worse. But he really enjoys his trips back here enough that I can tell he isn’t overly crazy about where he currently lives.
I’ll be relieved when he finally comes back with Jen. Pennsylvania is particularly violent lately.
So is Crapifornia, but at least he understands the violence here and knows how to maneuver around it instead of unwittingly getting caught up in it.

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