Shocking Report: US Government Lied About Afghan War!

Originally published at: Shocking Report: US Government Lied About Afghan War! |

A truly shocking report by the Washington Post of all operations! They say they have obtained documents proving that the United States government lied about the progress that was being made in the Afghan war!


A confidential trove of government documents obtained by The Washington Post reveals that senior U.S. officials failed to tell the truth about the war in Afghanistan throughout the 18-year campaign, making rosy pronouncements they knew to be false and hiding unmistakable evidence the war had become unwinnable.

The documents were generated by a federal project examining the root failures of the longest armed conflict in U.S. history. They include more than 2,000 pages of previously unpublished notes of interviews with people who played a direct role in the war, from generals and diplomats to aid workers and Afghan officials.

Okay so it isn’t exactly shocking.

It’s just insane how the media is claiming that this is such a shocking story. It is not shocking in the least. The United States government has lied continuously throughout my entire life.

The war in Afghanistan has objectively been one of the dumbest wars waged in American history. We’ve spent trillions of dollars waging war against a bunch of primitive Moslem goat herders for the past two decades trying to convert the country into a “democracy.” As it turns out, these goat herders don’t give a shit about “democracy” and see American forces as invaders.

We are no closer to turning Afghanistan into a “democracy” than we were back in the early 2000s.

It is not a surprise to see the government lie about this fiasco considering all the money and resources that was poured into total and complete cluster fuck.


The US government has a long history of forcing “democracy” down peoples’ throats at the barrel of a gun.

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