Shitlib Site Think Progress Gets Censored by Facebook!

Originally published at: Shitlib Site Think Progress Gets Censored by Facebook! |

The shitlib website Think Progress has just been censored by Facebook fact-checkers. This after they repeatedly called for social media censorship of Alex Jones. Guess they got what they wished for!


Left-wing opinion site ThinkProgress has found itself censored by Facebook’s ‘fact checkers,’ just weeks after calling on the social network to censor right-wing polemicist Alex Jones.

A ThinkProgress article on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, published Sunday, was deemed ‘fake news’ by Facebook’s fact checkers. The article itself claimed that Kavanaugh would overturn Roe v Wade, the landmark 1973 case guaranteeing Americans the constitutional right to an abortion, based on snippets of Kavanaugh’s legal rulings and speeches.

The ‘fact checkers’ – in this case the conservative-leaning Weekly Standard – evaluated ThinkProgress’ claims and found them to be false. Sure, Kavanaugh made some statements that hinted at his opposition to Roe v Wade, but he never outright said he’d “kill it,” as the article claims.

Shitlibs are truly stupid people. They lack the ability to project how certain decisions and actions will have future consequences. These people actually thought that calling for mass censorship against their political opponents was a good idea. They didn’t realize how calling for mass censorship would potentially open them up to the same type of scrutiny down the road.


I used to work for a newspaper in the olden days before compruders, and journalists, for the most part just aren’t that smart. They used to have teams of editors and proof readers to make sure that sources and facts were verified and the language/grammar was English and a legal dept to do general ass covering on big stories. This made the journalist look competent and the papers professional. All of that is out the window due to cost cutting and it shown by the absolutely deplorable standard of current day journalism. At least in the past the propaganda was done with a bit more finesse and subtlety and there was a sense of accomplishment when you unraveled a particularly artful piece of social engineering. Now it’s "Orange Man Bad and Stinky’ tier. Sad…


You’re 100 percent right. I did IT work for a newspaper. Vast majority of journalists have little to no talent and an inflated sense of self importance.