Shattered belief in heroes: a widespread cause of major depression in whites

Shattered belief in heroes: a widespread cause of major depression

Something I’ve been thinking about.

Remember when you were little and your Dad was the biggest hero ever to you. Now where are our white heroes nowadays?
Looking at how people idolize you can see that they almost always only choose people of similar race and gender to themselves. Therefore a white man will choose a white man, a white woman will choose a white woman (but I think and they do sometimes choose white men), a black man will always choose a black man, an asian man always another asian man etc. Because we want to believe that it could be us. Our hero could be ourself in our dreams and thats what makes it so powerful.
And then what happened, at some point you realized they were only human, they did something stupid, that you hated, and your belief in them was shattered. The problem is afterwards you have no one else to look up to, and your opinions of humans of your race and gender is destroyed.
But can’t we see? The belief in this hero was your belief in HUMANITY and specifically belief in yourself and your race and gender. Belief in a person that could be you.
To have your belief shattered is a huge spiritual blow to you.

It goes without saying to most who know this site that ZOG knows this very well and is 100% at all times waging war on white heroes. Tearing down old statues of them, turning them into niggers in film and fake history books that they will try and poison your children with this total BS starting in grade school. Removing them from the twenty dollar bill because they owned slaves, removing them from history books as if they never existed.
Everything on TV the message underneath is to try and make whites faith in white heroes destroyed and instead have nigger heroes and is aimed at young impressionable minds.

All through history this hero belief is shown and altered the course of history. Of course we all know who the biggest recent hero to whites was don’t we.
A person who made them feel Unstoppable and if anything were possible.

We know demons in the world are immensely afraid of this.

Now we are living in terrible times because we have leaders who are not a hero to much of anyone. They have no Valor and little courage. That kind of leader is how you kill a nation and kill the morale of it’s citizens. There’s not a lot worse than being led by someone you don’t like, don’t admire, and is a puppet and and or traitor.
Now what is peoples response to this. I’m telling you it’s not good. Depression (major), constant anger, hatred for others even ones of own race, selfishness because now you don’t trust others even ones like you, binge drinking, mental illness. LOSS OF IDENTITY. A demoralized white populace in despair.


Not only that - memorials and statues to our heroes are being systematically taken down and destroyed.

Our history, heritage and traditions are being erased, one by one - and replaced by black and other non-White history and heritage.

The UN and “human rights” organizations define this as “genocide” - but b/c it is happening to Whites in White created countries these anti-Whites don’t care, and, in fact - cheer it on.


This is why I read and love old books containing the true histories of our greatest and most courageous heroes. We must reclaim our traditions and our past.


This is an excellent thread that deals with an enormously important topic. Where have our heroes gone?

Humans need role models and instinctively gravitate to others to help guide them through life. It’s one of the reasons why Trump is so popular.

Yet almost everyone whom most people have looked to for leadership have turned out to be cowards and traitors.

White people today need leaders badly.

Mike Stone - Our “Heroes” are Pussies & Traitors